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Oh my gosh I'm SO sorry for taking so long to update!!! I've been kind of busy lately and haven't really had time to write. This is pretty much a filler chapter, but I promise that I'll get back to the exciting stuff soon!
In other news, I've had a couple of people ask me to post a picture of myself, but I'm not sure. SHOULD I??? Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Blaise looked hesitantly around the group of witches and wizards. None of them had noticed him yet. Where the hell am I? He thought.
     It appeared to be a large, blank room. There was nothing in the room but the group of people standing at the center. Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood were standing off to one side and the Hufflepuff seeker and his girlfriend (Blaise could never remember their names) were standing on the other. In between them we're eight more people, all huddled together. Blaise recognized the bright red hair of the Weasleys immediately, as well as Hermione Granger. Draco was also there, hugging Harry tightly. The final person, however, he didn't recognize.
     He couldn't see the man's face, and he didn't remember there being a man unconscious in the infirmary. In fact, the only other creature in the room had been the large, black dog. Then it clicked... He's an animagus!  Blaise realized. That's when the strange wizard turned around. It was impossible not to recognize him.
     "Sirius Black!?" He shouted. Everyone's attention immediately snapped to the shocked boy.
      "Blaise? What are you doing here!?" Draco gasped. Blaise ignored him, backing away from the fugitive slowly.
      "Why the hell are you hugging a murderer!?" Blaise shouted, still retreating. Harry stood slowly, arms stretched out as if to calm him.
     "Blaise, calm down..." he said hesitantly, stepping toward the terrified boy. "He's a friend." Blaise shook his head, but stopped backing up.
     "A friend!? He killed people!"
      "No he didn't Blaise. Trust me." Draco said softly.
      "What do you mean he didn't?" Blaise questioned. That's when Sirius stepped in.
      "I was framed." Sirius said softly. "I would never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it."
       Harry cut in. "He's my godfather." This threw Blaise off.
      "He's your godfather!?" He was astonished. Everyone in the group nodded. He looked around again. The teens seemed to be completely comfortable around the man. That was the moment that Blaise decided the man was safe, but he still didn't fully trust him.
      "Okay... Hello Mr. Black. My name is Blaise Zabini." He said awkwardly. Sirius chuckled. He reached out his hand for Blaise to shake. They boy took his hand and they shook.
     "Please," Sirius smiled. "Call me Sirius."

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