We Never Knew

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So, I just wanted to say that I am so, so grateful that you guys are reading this! This is my first ever story on Wattpad, and I honestly didn't expect anyone to read it. THANK YOU and ENJOY!

The DA members rushed through the front door just as it slammed shut. "Vernon!" Petunia was saying as she stared at the baby, "What are we going to do!? We can't let this freak hurt our Duddykins!" Obviously Vernon hadn't thought of the baby's effects on his son, because his face turned dark purple. "Then we won't! Let's just leave him on someone's doorstep!" He shouted. The teens gasped, no one could believe it. Harry just dropped his head in shame. "We can't Vernon. The note was from that freak I told you about... what was his name... Dumbledoof? Rumbledoor? Anyway, he said that Harry had someone after him, and because we are his family, his presence would form some sort of protection! I couldn't care less what happens to the boy, but maybe the protection will keep Dudley safe!" Harry heard Draco growl something that sounded suspiciously like That Bitch. He just sighed and sat down on the floor. Vernon seemed absolutely horrified by the idea, but the whole group could tell that he would agree with her. Sure enough, a few moments later, he spoke again.  "Fine, but he doesn't get Dudley's second room. He'll sleep in the cupboard."

Harry flinched, and suddenly the room erupted into chaos. "WHAT!?" Draco yelled. Ron had a very similar reaction. Ginny and Hermione both gasped loudly and the twins were shouting every profane word they knew. Cho and Luna were shocked into silence, and Neville and Cedrick just looked absolutely horrified. Everyone's attention was drawn back to the situation at hand when they heard a small cry. "Momma?" baby Harry cried, "Dada?" Petunia's facade crumpled a little while Vernon just got angrier. "They're dead!" Vernon yelled. "You have no Momma or Dada! They're gone! They probably didn't want you anyway!" He then grabbed the baby boy by his arm and all but threw him into the open cupboard. Then he slammed the door. When he did, all of the teens were teleported into the cupboard with him. Since Hermione had already explained how the curse worked, they didn't question the teleportation. They all just sat in silence for a moment, staring at Harry as if they had seen a ghost. Harry's head was still lowered in shame, until Draco gently lifted his face up. "I am so, so sorry." He choked out before crushing Harry in a hug. Everyone else followed. No one could keep them self from crying. "Harry," Hermione sobbed, "I'm so sorry. We didn't know." Then they were teleported again to Harry's next memory.

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