An Angry Black Dog and a Stressed Out Professor

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Alright, forgive me for this next chapter. I know it might seem like it's happening kind of fast, but I feel like Harry needs to have more people who know what he's going through. I thought it was about time I added our favorite dog...

"He's WHAT!?" Sirius yelled at Dumbledoor as he ran towards the door. "Sirius, calm down. Harry is in perfectly good hands." the old man said softly. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! My godson is LYING IN A BED, UNCONSCIOUS, and you want me to CALM DOWN!?" Sirius shouted, still trying to get to the door of Remus's classroom. Remus was trying to hold him back. "Padfoot! If you go out there now you'll surely be seen!" He scolded. "Sirius, I will take you to Harry if you just calm yourself." Dumbledoor stated. Sirius seemed to calm down just a fraction as he looked to the old wizard. "Now," Dumbledoor continued, "here's what you need to do."
Five minutes later, the headmaster, the Defense professor, and an angry black dog were all rushing through the corridors towards the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey almost had a heart attack when she saw the monstrous dog, but Dumbledoor made sure she knew he would be beneficial. She left, grumbling about filthy creatures and stubborn teachers. Sirius and Remus were shocked by the number of people lying in hospital beds. Sirius shuffled slowly to Harry's bed. Overcome by sadness, the scruffy black dog nudged Harry's face with his muzzle- and passed out.
   "Damn it Sirius!" Remus yelled as he ran over to the limp dog. Dumbledoor just frowned. He had forgotten to tell them not to touch Harry. Remus sighed and lifted his best friend onto an empty bed. He turned back and stared at Dumbledoor with a frustrated look on his face. "Memoria charm?" He asked. The old man nodded. They sat down at the end of Sirius's bed and just watched the group. They had no clue what was happening inside of their heads. They didn't notice the fresh tears flowing down all of their faces...

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