30.1K 585 111

I know Im a little late, but OMG THIS BOOK REACHED 100K READS!!!!!! I NEVER expected this and I wanted to aknowledge the people who supported me during the process of writing this story, and the people I met along the way!

~Im going to start off with Fruty_loopies. I know you're probably wondering, "Why the hell did this crazy girl mention me here!?" Well heres why... You were the first person to ever really give my book a second thought. I was very new to Wattpad and this book was my very first. I was completely lost when it came to getting my book out there, and you helped me with that. You messaged me telling me you were going to share The Secrets in His Eyes with your friends and you always sent me encouraging comments. Thank you SO much for that!!!

~The next person I want to mention is my best friend, atms14. Alexis, I seriously dont know how to thank you for all of the things youve done for me. You always help me through my dark spots and encourage me to do better. I couldnt have finished this book without you there to run ideas by. I dont think you even realized what you were doing considering youre not a Harry Potter fan lol. Well now you know. I remember asking you one day if it would be more dramatic if someone was abused or bullied. Idk if you even remember that day, but you looked at me like I was absolutely insane! Well, you obviously made the right choice considering the fact that this book has any reads in the first place! Thanks Lexi!!!

~Finally, I'd like to thank ALL of my readers who stuck with me through all of this, youre all very much appreciated and I couldnt have gotten here without you all!!!

Hopefully, I will get to see this book continue to grow, but Im extremely happy where I am now! Thank you all again for helping the get The Secrets in His Eyes to 100k!!!

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