Jane's Alliance

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*I think this is one of my best chapters, it changes the plot and characters feelings a lot. Please comment and vote!!!

It’s been two weeks since Alec has asked me to marry him. Everyone has been acting differently due to the engagement, some are saying it’s just puppy love, others can’t stop saying how happy we’ll be together. But to me the most concerning is Jane. She hasn’t been seen since she stormed out of the meeting hall the night we arrived back from the garden. I’ve never liked Jane that much, she scares me quite utterly… but I know she’s hiding something. Its not normal. Her brother after 300 or so years of being alone finally has found the love of his life. She should be happy for him, not mad.

I’ve been walking around the city of Volterra alone for the past two weekends, reading human’s emotions and thoughts as they walk by trying just trying to find at least one human that has the same light blue waves like Jane did so I could find out what it means. And since I can’t read Jane’s thoughts that well, due to the fact she is filling it up with anger thoughts, that is my only other alternative. But I must have good timing when I go out so Alec and the other don’t know what I’m up too.

So here I am, walking down to Jane’s room…. or my possible doom. To find out what’s really bothering her because when Alec and I are married and she becomes my sister in law, I will have to deal with her a lot more. So why not start now? I’m also tired of watching humans walk around the city all day, it seems like a waste of my power and time. So that leaves only the source of the problem and it’s time to confront her.  

I knocked on her door lightly about to ask to come in but quickly realizing she would never open the door if she knew it was me.

“Yes?” Jane’s voice was hard as stone.

I shivered as she spoke, the fear beginning to consume me. She was older than me, wiser than me, and more powerful than me. Would she kill me? And easily get me out of the picture?

“Yes…!”  She spoke more forcefully “I am not in the mood to be messed with.”

I swiftly opened the door swept in and shut it. No getting out of this now.

“Jane, we need to talk… please?” I struggled to keep my voice steady.


“You let me in, now I’m not leaving until we talk”

“I didn’t even open the door, you did now you need to get out.”

“No, I won’t.”

Jane stood up from the couch and glared at me.

“Don’t use your power, I’ll scream for Alec” I threatened.

She pondered in thought than relaxed. “Speak”

“Why… why are you so mad? Are you jealous? Do you not like me? what, what is it?”

“Its not you” She sat back down, still not releasing me from her glare.

“So what is it?”

Jane paused in thought. I quickly tried to hack into her thoughts to see a glimpse of what she was thinking.

“Don’t try it” she growled. “You just have to know everything don’t you? and if you don’t—“

“I’ll find out?”

“Precisely” Her face softened a bit.  

“Please, I’m not doing it for my own personally gain if that’s what you think. I want everyone to be content about the wedding, especially my soon to be sister in law”

Jane made a twisted face at the sister in law part, I guess she never thought about it.

“Fine, sit down”

I walked over and sat at the arm of the couch, as Jane processed what she was about to say.

“I don’t want to lose my brother” She choked. “Everything was just about to get normal until you came along, you took my brother away… and he became so protective of you, its all he’d talk about. Evelyn this, Evelyn that. as if the tragedy that just happened… never occurred.”

“What tragedy?” I asked softly.

“It was 6 months ago, we went to America to rid of a newborn army in the south and I saw him… Connor… he was the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, but he was human. I secretly called Aro to ask if I could transform him, but he disapproved… he’s never disapproved me EVER!”

I flinched as she overcame with a wave of anger, fortunately she got a hold herself.

“I overcame with rage, not knowing where to express it so I went after her… Elisa, Alec’s former love and killed her on scene. After the rage I quickly acknowledged what I had done, I killed her… Alec’s possible future happiness, she may have been human but he loved her like I loved Connor. Soon Alec came to the scene, so I played it cool. But he thought the murderer was Connor and tried to kill him, so I had to pretend that Connor was going to be my meal and made Alec go away so he wouldn’t know my love for him. By the time I got Alec to leave, I had lost sight of Connor and didn’t have time to track him down so I left, wondering what we could have been”

“He loved someone before?”

“It was nothing but a stupid human”

“I was a human”

“Its different, you came to him. He came to her… you know just forget about it, and don’t tell him I told you or I swear--”

“I’m sorry” I cut her off. “I’m so sorry what happened with Connor. Maybe it was meant to be? You’ll find someone else right?”

Jane sighed and laid her head back, “As I said before I just can’t help but wonder…”

I finally knew what the light blue wave meant, sadness, the feeling of being singlehanded, because it filled the entire room. Jane missed him and it pained me to see her so upset. She wasn’t mean just because, she was mean because she was felt alone, and I was taking the only person she had left… Alec.

“Jane I want to make a deal with you”

Jane lifted her head up “I’m listening”

“I want you and I to go to America to find Connor, to find out if he’s alone if so you by all means change him into a vampire, if not I want you to think about it first. Okay?”

Jane’s crimson eyes lit up “Lets go ask Aro, and authorize a date”

I stopped her before she got up “I’m not done”

She sat back down awkwardly wondering what else I had to say.

“We don’t tell anyone, no one! Got that? If we do word will get round to Aro faster than ever--”

“True” She said uneasily.


Jane and I now stared at each other from across the couch.

“We do it tonight when no one would expect us to leave”

*Good chapter huh? I bet you didn’t expect Jane and Evelyn to plan against Aro and the guard! What do you think Jane will say? PLEASE comment and vote. And thanks to all the fans that keep commenting and voting it means a lot!

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