A Life Changing Surprise

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I entered the lobby to see Alec dressed in normal clothes, I’ve never seen him without his cloak!

“Oh my gosh, your clothes!” I smiled.

“Yeah yeah I know,” Alec wrapped his arms around me and steered me up the steps.

“Where are we going?”

“Hold on,” When got to the top of the steps, he picked me up and sped me down the hall and onto the steps below the clock tower. Alec set me down gently on my feet and reached for something in his jean pocket. He pulled out a velvet box with diamonds and rubies incrassated on the front.

“A jewelry box?” I cupped my hands so he could place it in them.

“No, open it”

I opened the box to see a beautiful gold V necklace, the Volturi crest.

“I’m going to show you around your new home” he grinned.

Tears ran down my cheek, home I am meant to be here.

“Thank you!” I embraced him so tightly if he was a human I would have broken him in two.

He hugged me back his arms affectionately chained me to him so I could not back away.

“The tour?” I whispered into his ear.

He chucked “Of course, I just want to show you one place really.”

“What place?”

“You’ll see”

Alec held out his hand and intertwined it to mine. We walked down the steps and past the front fountain. There are many people out this evening, well it is Valentine’s day. Human couples kissing and hugging each other, laughing and smiling. I began to feel jealous with the fact Alec was only holding my hand. I let go of his grasp and wrapped my whole arm around his waist, he did the same to me. I smiled satisfied with his return and continued walking down the street.


An hour later we were still walking.


“We’re almost there” He responded eagerly.

We walked onto the top of the highest building in Volterra, on the roof was a huge garden vast with colorful plants, roses, daffodils, and lilacs. I inhaled the sweet aroma and exhaled calmly. The night sky now filled with bright stars along with the outshining full moon on the rise. The night breeze picked up blowing my hair back.

“It’s beautiful” I turned to him.

“Thank you, I set it up myself”

“Really?” I was shocked he didn’t look like the gardening type.

“Well, me and Jane always come up here to get away from the castle. It gets quite boring after 300 years”

Your 300 years old?” I snickered.

“327 precisely”

“Oh my god, you’re old” I looked away trying to hide the grin on my face.

“You’ll be that age someday” he nudged.

 “Then you’ll be 654 years old.”

“Hey don’t talk back to your elder”

We both laughed happily and fell lightly to the ground. I cuddled into him gazing up at the moon.


“Yes?” he breathed calmly.

“I – I love you” I looked up at his face.

“I’m glad you say”

“You’re supposed to say it back….” I said starting to feel awkward.

“Or… I can give you something that says it all…”

He trailed on reaching into his other pocket and pulling out another box.

“Another one?” I took it from his hand and examined it.

It was covered in red velvet, and was heavy for a small box. I opened it slowly acting as if something was going to pop out, but to my surprise it contained a tiny silver ring with a huge diamond on top and two smaller diamonds next to it. I glanced back up at Alec.

“Evelyn Volturi….. you have given me so much happiness since we first met, your beautiful, smart and kind….. will you do me the great honor of marring me?”

I stood up and took a hold on both of his arms.

“Of course” I whispered.

He smiled like a happy child as I leaned in to kiss him. We wrapped our arms around each other, embracing for what seemed like forever.

“What time is it?” I pulled away unwilling as I began putting on my ring.

“3am, Aro must be getting worried we should go.”

“Aro worried? Ya if that’s possible” I mocked.

“He knows we are deeply in love, and alone outside with no guard to stop us from running away…”

I shrugged my shoulders and clung to Alec as was walked down the side steps off the roof.


We walked into the main hall. All the guard was there talking with each other, Jane Felix and Demetri were standing in a half circle, Jane glaring at me once again.

I warned you to stay away from him” She thought sternly

“Well, I don’t have a choice anymore….”  

She stared at me in confusion.

“Ahh… your back” Aro chimed as we walked into the main meeting hall “And…engaged”

The guard went silent and gawked upon us.

“Yes, and the wedding will be soon” Alec looked into my twinkling eyes.

“Lovely it shall be here in the main hall, if that alright with the bride?”

“That would be divine”  

Aro reached out his hand to me and seized it from Alec’s. I smiled and tried to play it nice, he was the one letting us have the wedding here.

“You’ll become a very high ranking guard after this” Aro thought slyly.

“That’s irrelevant, this about Alec and I nothing else.”

He smiled slightly and backed away. “Well, you may all return to your conversations…”

Marcus and Caius swiftly stood from there thrones and exited. Leaving only the still shocked guard.

“You two will have an wonderful life together” Carmen walked over to us followed by other amused guards.

Jane stayed in the corner, her emotions were irritated but there was a hidden emotion… very light blue waves faintly showed under her angry red waves. Was Jane upset about something… but what?

-Writers block, sorry :( Please comment and vote! 3 comments and 3 votes to upload!!!

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