"They're here"

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The air was stagnant, cold, and crisp; dust was piled a centimeter high lining the base and sides. I crawled my way through the castle vents, the vents that have never been used to end my imprisonment. I passed many of my fellow guards’ rooms along with the meeting place of the masters. I took quick glances as I passed to make sure they were gone, and to also get the last look of my home. I was ready for this, I was ready to sacrifice my life for love, I truly felt like a man now; I felt whole. If I don’t try to save Evelyn what do I have to live for? So why not die trying.

A bright light peered ahead of me; I sped up my pace until I was exposed in the dimly lit street of Volterra. I ran full speed till I was on the edge of the city; I looked over the horizon to the sky… Their jet couldn’t have taken off yet could it?

I took a step forward before I felt a harsh hand grip my shoulder and yank me back.

“Where do you think you’re going?”


Evelyn and I left the hotel as soon as I got off the phone with Alec; it is morning here so Aro should come with the guard at nightfall. All we have to do is find and open field and wait. Alec and I debated the idea of leaving our scent to find each other but that would also speed up the fight, which in this case is to Aro’s benefit; the faster the battle goes the faster the recovery. Evelyn doesn’t know the battle is over her fate, and she won’t know until it happens. That lack of knowledge may be the only thing to save her when the time comes.

“Hey, there’s a field over here” Evelyn called from the distance.

I ran to her voice to see a huge snowy field covered with thick layers of ice and surrounded by bare trees. This was it, now all we have to do is wait.


The plane was at a delay as soon as we got on, the human slave couldn’t get it in the air due to the cloudiness; but fortunately one of our more talented guards took care of the human and got us in the sky. I was ready for this, my guard was ready for this and the best part is that Jane and Evelyn will never know. I have 60 of my top guards on this plane and their all ready to fight, they may like Evelyn and the twins but I am their leader, their master, the one who will make this problem right.

*1 hour after plane landing…*

The woods were dusky and cold, every step I took put my feet deeper into the bitter snow.  Fewer scents filled the air as we drifted away from the city, raising my hopes of Demetri locating the two girls.

Demetri stopped in his tracks along with the rest of the guard.

 “Master?” he called back wearily

“What is it Demetri?” I came up to his side in front of the guard and my brothers.

“There’s… there’s more than the two girls here”

“Can the traces be identified?”

He gazed into my eyes then bowed his head to the ground, raising his hand to my reach. I looked at him and grasped his hand inquisitively; what could possibly be in our way?

“Do all the ones that fight die? Besides Jane?”  He asked while I listened to his thoughts.

“It will depend on how far they will go… and it seems in this case-” I placed his hand down and faced my guard “We still only kill one tonight, and if her dearest defies us also; he will perish too”

Evelyn –

I sat next to Jane, kicking around the snow with my feet. It has been hours and I’m growing insanely tired, the overpowering vampire side of me has been keeping be aware enough to stay awake but even my weaker human traits can pull me under.

Think of something if your tired” Jane pitched in.

I was talking with you?”

“HAHA, ya, for like the past hour; when your dazed your thoughts go everywhere”

“Wow” I shook my head and looked towards the wood ahead of us, I could hear something… no, no someone.

Jane caught on with my finding and stood up immediately, I did the same.

“They shouldn’t be here yet! Where’s Alec?!” I shrieked

Jane tensed up as a figure entered the opening, I’ve never seen her before but she was definitely a part of the Volturi. She wore a light grey cloak and had long brown hair the rested in a side pony tail upon her shoulder she looked to be in her mid 20’s.  She looked up at us and smiled.

“Corin?” Jane gasped “What… why? why are you here?”

“I thought I’d help a friend” her smile became weaker.

“Where’s Alec?” I demanded.

She raised an eyebrow and shifted her body towards the woods in front of us. I walked up closer until I could see another figure approaching; my Alec.

“Alec! Alec!” I cried.

I ran full speed into his cold stone arms, he hugged me back while I sobbed tears of joy, he nudged my head into his chest as I continued my joyful weeping.

“You’re okay!” He grinned “You’re still safe”

“Of course I am! I had to, for you” I looked up into his twinkling crimson eyes.

 He pulled me back into an embrace. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, and he delicately gripped my waist. We were crushing each other but enjoy every second of it, I gazed back up into his eyes and he pulled me into an everlasting kiss.

Evelyn, I love you so so much and I will risk anything to protect you tonight” he unwilling pulled away from the kiss to look at my elated face

“As I will do the same” I kept my eyes locked on his not wanting to let go.

“They’re here” Corin announced.

I still kept my eyes locked on Alec, I could hear their footsteps swiftly enter the field but I didn’t care; honestly I don’t know if there just taking us back or killing us. I just want my Alec, my love, my everything…

I am soooo sorry I haven’t uploaded for a month! I’ve been super busy with acting classes; and my little cousin Aden was born a month early so I had to help put together a baby shower!

I promise I’ll upload this week or maybe even today! XD

please tell me what you think of this chapter, what do you think is going to happen? :O


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