To America

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Felix’s point of view –

Jane and Evelyn haven’t been seen yesterday night. Now being 8am in the morning, Alec has gone mad. We’ve all been trying to comfort him especially Chelsea, but Alec’s bonds are too close to be dimmed by her powers.

Now we all stand in the main hall, with our three masters’ sitting startled in their thrones.

“Aro please! We have to find them right away! What if their hurt?” Alec shouted.

“We have lost two of our top guards Aro… this is dangerous for our effectiveness in battle” Marcus stated calmly.

“They have to be in danger! Evelyn was engaged she would never leave Alec like this!”

“Ya! She has no idea how to live on her own!”

“Unless Jane killed her and ran away!”

“Enough!” Aro bellowed.

The room fell silent. Alec looked down gloomily at the floor, while the others had their full attention on Aro.

“I do not know why they have disappeared. But I believe we must be patient with our actions and rumors nothing rash understand?!”

“Aro, if I may?” I stepped forward steadily.

He waved his hand motioning me to speak.

“I don’t understand, maybe they just went out?”

“That’s highly unlikely” Caius snarled “You know better than to jump to that conclusion”

I stepped back now wondering what really happened to them, are they hurt?


“Flight 303 to America last call! Flight 303 to America!” the loud speakers mumbled over the roaring in the crowds.

I clung to Jane’s jacket sleeve as we glided through the mass of humans. I tuned out my mind reading power so I didn’t get over whelmed, I’ve never seen so many humans… and emotion waves at once. I kept running into people trying to get ahead but due to my size and strength, I would get bumbled down. My body still ached from just being trampled a few minutes ago. Luckily I didn’t draw to much attention from my quick vampire healing.

“Jane, are you sure you know where to go?”

Jane’s face was not amused at the moment. “I’m 327 years old, I go on planes every month for missions,-”

“Okay, okay” I didn’t want to ruin her good mood with frustration.

We approached an older lady collecting tickets from people, Jane handed her our tickets and we loaded inside the plane.  I sat by the widow so I could gaze at the puffy white clouds, while Jane stayed by the aisle seat to keep watch for suspicious humans and to of course stay out of the sunlight so she wouldn’t sparkle. Sadly one thing I did not gain from my transformation.

“You scared?” Jane looked over at me.

“Of what?” I asked oddly.


I looked around the plane, we were in first class flight so there was only two people to a seat and very little people here.

“I don’t think so”



Jane shook her head. “You know planes fly high in the sky”

“This is not the time to worry me Jane, we are not going back to tell Aro or Alec or anyone we’re leaving”

“I just don’t want to worry my brother” She sighed.

I leaned over in my seat “I promise you they’ll be fine, I bet they don’t even know we’re gone.”

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