Forever to look forward too

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  • Dedicated to Everyone :D

*I just want to thank everyone for reading and supporting my story, it means so much :) I hope you enjoy the last chapter of “An Alec love story”

“Are you serious? Carlisle, they tried to kill Nessie” Edward’s voice was strained as he held on tightly to his wife.

“Edward look at them, they had the strength to leave the Volturi and come to us in need” Carlisle paused and looked around at his family, all if their faces were uncertain except for one; little Nessie. A bright smile formed across her face as she observed my tight hold on Alec, with a light giggle she walked across the living room till she was in front of Alec and I.

“She has rainbow eyes” Nessie chuckled “She’s not going to hurt us”

“What the- … why?” Emmett murmured while getting a motherly glare from Esme.

“The transformation went wrong, she has some human traits” Jane informed them

“Like me?” Nessie asked awed.

“Well--” Alec began.

“Yes pretty much” I beamed.

The Cullen’s all gave each other awkward glances.

“So what do you want?” Esme pitched in.

Alec and I gazed at each other as we spoke “A Wedding” We answered in unison.

And all I could see from the corner of my eye was a slight smile forming on Alice’s face.

Two days later –

Jane was tying the silk ribbon on the back of my dress while Alice finished curling my short brown hair. I knew there wasn’t going to be much of an audience at the wedding, only the Cullen’s and Jane would be there. But it wasn’t about the people there it was about Alec and me, and the eternal love we will share.

“Ok,” Alice grinned “What do you think?”

I turned to face the body long mirror behind me; the dress was tight around the body and flared out near my knees. Lace made a design of spirals and flowers along most of the back followed by some ribbons on the side.

“Wow… never thought I’d be wearing this at 14”

“Haha, you have no idea how hard it was to find a dress that would fit” Alice laughed.

I blushed and turned to Jane standing by the door.

“Are you sure you’re okay with me marring your brother?”

Jane shook her head “That was the past Evie, forget about it”

“I’ll take that as a yes?”

She smiled looking down at her shoes “It’ll sure be weird calling you sister-in-law, but I’ll make do”

“You know that title give me rights, no matter how much I annoy you; you can’t hurt me”

She chuckled “After what happened a few days ago none of us are going to hurt each other, that’s for sure”

Alice walked out into the hall gesturing Jane to come with her “He’s ready”

I took a few deep breathes before turning away from the mirror, I looked down the hall and listened to the soft music playing in the background; that’s when I took my first step. My heels clicked down the hall all the way to the stairs. I took a glance across the living room, flower vines aligned the cream walls, and candles were placed on all the tables and shelves filling the air with a sweet cinnamon smell. All the Cullen’s sat quietly on dining room chairs facing the open balcony were my Alec stood. He wore a simple black tux with a bow tie.

“I’m so happy to be with you” he thought as I walked down the staircase.

“As am I”

I glided over the soft white carpet that led up the aisle; reaching my hand out to Alec. He took it delicately and spun me to his side.

“Are you ready for forever Miss. Stride?”

“Always” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Hey, hey! Save the kissing for when you’re married” Emmett smirked.

Everyone went silent, giving us the chance to speak.

“Evelyn Stride, you have given me so much ever since I met you…. you have given me feelings I never thought I would have, you have shown me a new aspect of life, you have taught me that it is alright to stand up for yourself and others and have given me a purpose in life. Evelyn my love for you is not able to be put it to words, I’m sure you can see them and pray that you’ll always will… always till the day I die, I won’t ever let anything harm you ever again and I can’t wait to start our new lives together as the Stride clan.”

Tears formed in my eyes and streamed down my cheek.

“Alec… Stride,” I paused taking a controlling breath “You have protected me and made me who I am now. You showed me how to survive and came whenever I called your name. When Jane and I… when we were in New York I felt so much guilt leaving you behind, and when I found out the Volturi trapped you, and we coming to get us I thought I’d never see you again… but you came! All the way from Italy to save me and that night I knew we were meant to be, and I never want that to change.”

With those final words Alec and I had our first kiss as a married couple. The whole day went fast really, we only spent 2 days at the Cullen’s house before we set off on our own as the new family known as the ‘Stride clan’ the vampire coven made of powerful Volturi rebels. The word got around to some nomads’ passing through who will for sure spread the word to other clans; giving us a good name while traveling. We still aren’t sure where to go… Jane wants to move back up to Europe and live in England while Alec wants to stay within North America, I on the other hand just want to relax for a bit take in my new life with my new family. I know it won’t be easy with all the vampire nomads, newborns, and Volturi to worry about but with Alec I feel safe. The only thing that blows my mind is knowing the ‘easy’ part of my life is over, I only have a few months until I’ll become a mature vampire then I have forever to look forward to… what will happen to the Volturi after losing its top 3 guards? What battles will we have to fight for land? Will Jane find anyone; making our clan bigger and stronger? What new enemies will we make? I don’t know… I’ll say again I have forever to look forward too.

*I'll have longer sequel ;) once again thank you for reading, Btw the song on the side is the song they play for their wedding*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2012 ⏰

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