Here Goes Nothing...

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Fluttershy's Pov:
Today I woke up cause Angel was bouncing on my head. Hehe, he's such a silly bunny....

I sat up and looked at Angel when he points to his mouth cause he was hungry.

We must have run out of carrots.

"Oh! Well I'll go to the store and get some things today." I said getting out of bed and walking to my closet.

I changed into my baby blue leggings with a light pink sweater and my white flats.

I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine.

I walked down stairs and made a piece of toast. I grabbed some juice out of the fridge as well.

I moved in a couple of days ago. I unpacked a lot, but I have some boxes left. Its a nice neighbor hood. Quiet. The house is nice to. I start school next week....

I just hope school will be better than the last one.

"Chirp Chirp." I heard a bird outside my window. I looked at the feeder and noticed it was empty as well. Or maybe some of my supplies got lost in the move.

May be its a good thing I'm going to the store today.

I finished up my breakfast and got my things and headed out to my car.

*Time Skip*

I had a little bit of trouble finding the store since I just moved here.

But once I did I went in and got some things. For the Angel, the bird feeder, and myself. I grabbed some normal things like food, and all the necessities of life.

As I was walking to the check out line I realized it was a long line. I looked at the three people ahead of me and sighed.

I pulled out my phone and checked for notifications while my basket was in my other hand.

I didn't have any so I went on Pinterest, looking at my home page. After saving a few pictures I thought were cute, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl around my age point to the people moving forward.

"Um Hello. Could you move forward?" A girl asked me.

I looked forward to see the line had moved so I took a few steps forward.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said quietly as I put my phone away.

"Its fine. You must be new here. I have never seen you before. I'm Twilight Sparkle!" She said as she held out her hand.

She had long hair on her shoulders. Her hair was a deep purple with a light purple and violet streak. She had dark rimmed glasses, and looked really smart.

"Oh uh yeah. I moved a couple of days ago. I'm Fluttershy...." I said really quiet. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't hear me.

"Thats a pretty name." She said.

"Thanks." I said simply.

That's when I noticed her dog.

"Oh my goodness! He's so cute!" I said as I went to pet her dog.

"Oh! Thats Spike." She said.

"He's so cute! Who's a good boy?" I said picking him up.

"He seems to like you. But you should put him down so we can get through this line." I realised she was right.

So I put him down and payed for my items. As I was walking outside, and I realized Twilight had caught up to me. She must have not had a lot.

"So are you going to be going to Canterlot High?" She asked.

"Uh yeah. I think that's the one." I said casually.

"Oh! That's great! There are amazing teachers and people there. That's where my friends and I go." She said excited.

"Oh." Was all I said.

"Did you want to come to my friends house tonight? I could invite my friends to meet you and we could all have a sleepover? Get an early start in meeting some new people before Monday." Twilight said.

"Um sure I guess." I said quietly.

I'm not sure if it was good idea. But I guess it doesn't hurt to try and make new friends.

"Ok! I will text my friends. Here's my number. I will text you the address. And be there at around six? Sound good?" She said as she handed me her number.

"Yeah ok." I said taking the paper.

I walked to my car putting the piece of paper into my purse. I started my car and headed home. After feeding Angel, and filling up the bird feeder, I put everything else away. I went up stairs to put my purse away and decide to pack my bag.

I packed a bag with my night things. Some pajamas,  my pillow and some clothes for tomorrow. I packed my toothbrush and hairbrush into a different pocket.

To get ready, I put my hair in a messy bun. I changed into light green sweats with pink and yellow butterflies every where, a light yellow sweater, and some light pink tennies. I heard a ding from my phone and saw that Twilight had texted me her friends address.

I got my purse and my duffle bag and went down stairs. I set my stuff on one of my couches and decided to feed my animals for an extra day.

After that I sat on the couch and watched some TV until about 5:45.

I looked at the address on my phone and got into my car.

After fifteen minutes, I managed to find it. I got out of my car and stood at the front door ready to knock.

Well, here goes nothing.

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