You Saved Me

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Fluttershy's Point Of View-

"I...." I watched as she started to think.

"I don't know.... I.... I think I want to think it over before I decide if I want to be in a relationship or not. Is that ok with you?" She took her hands in mine and looked at me.

"Yeah. I completely understand."

"Ok. I'm going to go change." She turned and ran up the stairs.

I turned and went to go sit on the couch. I looked around for a second, lost in thought. I looked at my hands and started to think again.

Did that really just happen?

I smiled knowing all to well what just happened.

It did. 

I kissed her. I kissed Rainbow Dash. Even if if it wasn't a big deal to her, it was to me. She's my first kiss. And I'm ok with it. 

My eyes widened in thought of something.

She's probably had lots of girlfriends or boyfriends. She could be a player! I could be just one of her pawns.... 

No, she wouldn't do that to you.

But you've never seen her at school.

But she seems like a genuinely nice person. Maybe she's different.

Yeah, and maybe cotton candy is made of clouds filled with chocolate milk.

I felt my heart start to speed up at the thought of her being mean. At the thought of her leaving me. Saying I was one of her toys and she's going to throw me away.

Why was I so attached to her? I had only known her for a week. A week! 

Good luck with this one Fluttershy, I'll be here when she leaves you. 

Like everyone else does....

"Sorry that took me so long. I had to get the stuff for my hand and-" She stopped and looked at me confused.

"Fluttershy? You ok? Why are you crying?" She walked towards the couch and put the stuff on the table.

I put my hand up to my face and wiped my cheek. I looked at my hand and saw tears.

"Oh, I didn't even know I was crying. I was just thinking about some things." I turned so I was now facing her on the couch. "Now, let's take a look at this hand." I brought the materials closer to me and took her hand. I started to unwrap her hand. Slowly taking the gauze off of her hand. I put the old gauze on the table and looked at her cut. It was still a little bloody, but overall, was looking good.

"How's it look doc? How long do I have to live?" I heard her laugh as I rolled my eyes.

"It looks like it's going to heal up just fine. You will have to keep the bandage on though cause its still a little bloody." I grabbed a little wipe and touched up the cut. I grabbed the gauze and began to wrap it. After wrapping, I put the tape on the end and looked at her hand.

"Better?" I said cleaning up the materials.

"Much better. We better get to your house. It's almost eleven."

"Good, the drive is probably only ten-is minutes away." I went upstairs and put the stuff below the sink. As I was bending down, I saw a light reflecting in my face. I closed the cupboards and looked around from where it was coming from. I looked at the window then I looked on the counter to find a razor.


The razor had the tiniest bit of blood on it, but not much.

Twilight, so help me god. I will kill you.

"Rainbow Dash! Get your butt up here, now!" I stomped my foot and felt my body heat up in anger. I stared at the razor and waited for her to come in.

I heard footsteps before I saw her come in.

"What did you n- Oh shit. I'm sorry. I could have swore I put that away." She moved towards the counter, but I stopped her.

"Don't you dare move." I was so angry, my voice was scaring me.

I saw as she froze in the corner of my eye. I turned and looked at her.

"Fluttershy, let me explain. This-"

"When?" I asked looking down.

"Huh?" She asked confused.

"When?" I said more stern as I looked at her.

"Yesterday...." I looked at her in shock.

"But you have to understand-" She tried to reason but I cut her off again.

"No. Was it me? Was I not good enough? Did I do something wrong? Was it Twilight? I swear-" I started for the door but she blocked my way.

"Rainbow, move. Now." I said looking down.

I tried to move around her, but I was still in the bathroom.

She reached out and hugged me. I tried to struggle against her.

"Rainbow! Let me go! I want to leave right now!" I wiggled in her arms, but it did nothing.

"No. Not till I explain." She held her arms tighter around me.

"Rainbow Dash! I said let me go!" I wiggled around, but eventually gave up. I sighed as I put my head to her chest, leaving my hands at my side.

"You done?" I heard her say.

I nodded against her chest.

"Can I explain now?"

I nodded again.

"Yesterday, I woke up and had had enough. Enough of the crying, not eating, depression, sleeping, just everything. I was so done with life. I was ready to give up. I was ready to end it." Does she really think this will calm me down? "I sat on the ledge of the bath, my hands shaking as I held the blade above my skin. I had tears running down my face. I heard a knock on the door, so I thought that they would just go away. I put the blade to my skin and watched as a tiny drop of blood escaped from my skin. I heard another knock. Figuring who ever this person was, they weren't going away. So I put the blade on the counter, dabbed the little mark on my arm, and went downstairs."

"How is any of this supposed to help your situation?" I mumbled into her chest.

"Don't you get it?" I felt her pull away. I looked up to see she had a small smile on her face as she held my shoulders. I shook my head confused.

"Fluttershy, you were the one knocking on the door." My eyes widened in shock as I realized what she was saying. "You saved me." She smiled and looked at me.

I looked at her shocked. "I did?"

She nodded and pulled me in for another hug.


Who knew a meaningless person like me could save someone?

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