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Fluttershy's Point Of View-

I got out of bed and stood in the middle of the room.

"I'm going to go use the restroom." I said as I stretched.

"Alright. I'll probably be down stairs." She said as she rubbed her eyes.

I walked out of the room and went down the hall to the bathroom. I shut the door and looked at myself in the mirror. I did my business and washed my hands. Rubbing my hands on a towel I looked in the mirror at myself. What did I dream about last night? Rainbow said I was talking in my sleep.... I can't remember what I dreamt about last night....

"Maybe I can remember later...." I said as I put the towel down. I opened the door and went downstairs. I looked in the living room to see she wasn't there. I walked into the kitchen to find her sitting at the island with a bowl of cereal.

"You want some?" She said with a mouth full of cereal.

"Um, no thank you." I said as I sat across from her.

"But you haven't eaten since yesterday's lunch. You should eat something. I have pudding or an apple or-" She said getting up.

I took an apple from the middle.

"If I eat this apple, will you stop worrying?" I asked, laughing.

She sat back down and looked at me.

"Y-yeah.... Sorry.... It's just that, your so skinny as it is. I don't want you getting sick." She looked down at her cereal.

"I will eat more from now on. I don't want to worry you." She looked up at me and smiled.

"Do you promise?" She gave me this look. This look that made me feel so bad. This look was like, she had lost someone and she didn't want to loose me. This look was peer sadness and regret.

"I promise." I said looking at my apple.

Could she have lost someone? Was it family? Was it a friend?

Goodness, there were so many things I wanted to ask her.

"So, what should we do today?" I looked up to see she had a smile on her face again.

"Well, Applejack called last night cause they were worried about you. We should probably text them and meet up somewhere. We wouldn't want them to get to worried. Plus I told Applejack we would go see them. They really want to see you." I took a bite of my apple and looked down.

"Yeah, they all probably worried about me. But why? I mean, besides not seeing me for a week." She asked taking a bite of her cereal.

"Well, when I was yelling at Twilight, I told her that if you did anything to hurt yourself I wouldn't ever forgive her." I looked down, feeling kind of ashamed of the things I said.

"I'm sorry." My eyes started to tear up. "I was so angry cause she broke up with you. I knew you were having a hard time with everything and her leaving you. I wanted her to know how much she broke you. How much she hurt you. I wanted her to know how much you cried. How, every time you saw something that reminded you of her, you would just break down. But now I feel terrible. I feel like such a bad person. I shouldn't of hit her. I shouldn't have said all those mean things about her." I put my hands in my lap and felt tears dripping from my face and onto my hand.

I heard footsteps before I felt arms rap around me.

I froze up and opened my eyes. I stared down at my tear stained hands.

"It's okay. I know what you did you regret, but I promise I'm not mad. I'm actually surprised. I never you could do something like that. Remind me not to get you mad.... Hehe. But I knew from the moment I saw you, you were a kind person. Your so nice. Your smart and pretty and just an amazing person. What you did might have been wrong, but I'm so glad you defended me. You did it for me. I couldn't have asked for a better friend than you. For what ever reason you moved here, I'm glad you did." I looked up at her as she pulled back.

"Y-you think I'm p-pretty?" I asked as I sniffed my nose.

She blushed and looked down. She started to fidget with her hands.

Oh no....

I jumped up from my chair and started breathing heavily.

"Fluttershy? Are you ok?" Rainbow touched my shoulder as I put my hand to my chest.

I stepped away from her. I looked up as I tried to breathe normally.

My dream.... No.... It can't be....

"Fluttershy! What's going on?" Rainbow stood in front of me.

I looked at her and every bit of the dream came back....

"My dream...." I whispered.

"Huh? Dream? Did you have nightmare or something?" I looked at the floor and held my head.

"No.... No, no, no, no, no, no...." I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Fluttershy! What is going on here? You jump up from your seat like your having a heart attack. What's wrong?" She stepped forward to comfort me, but I stepped away.

"Fluttershy.... Did I do something wrong?" I looked up to see she had hurt and rejection in her eyes.

"No.... It's just...." I looked down thinking if I should tell her or not. "It's just a bad dream last night. Don't worry about it." I smiled and sat back in my seat. I started to breathe normally.

"It can't just be nothing. Something had to of happened for you to get so scared."

"I said it's nothing." I said smiling at her then taking a bite of my apple.

"Okay..." She sat back in front of her cereal. "But, if you ever want to talk about it I'm here."

"Thanks, but I'm okay." I looked down at my apple.

"So, when should we go? It's nine right now. And we should text the girls our plan." Rainbow said as she took a bite of her now soggy cereal.

"Yeah, I think we should maybe go to the mall and have them meet us there at noon?" I said taking the last bite of my apple.

I got up and threw the cord away and sat back down. I looked at Rainbow, but not in the eyes.

"That sounds good. I'll text them right now."

I watched as she pulled out her phone.

I looked down at the counter and started to think.

I started to think of the first day I met Rainbow. How when I opened the door, she had her hand behind her back, talking all proper, like she had manners. I started to think of when we watched movies, and played truth or dare, and how I nearly kissed her at that party. I started to think of how she came to save me when I got kidnapped. I started to think of the trip to the mall, and how we stuck together the entire time. I started to think of how worried I was when she didn't come to school for a whole week. I started to think of when I came to her house and we ran away. How we ran away like nothing mattered. I started to think of last night, when we almost kissed. How she looked so sure that she wanted me. I started to think of last night, and when we slept in the same bed. How I accidentally woke up to have my arms around her. I started to wonder about my dream....

I widened my eyes in realization.

Oh goodness, I think I have feelings for Rainbow Dash....

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