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Fluttershy's Point of View-

After standing out in the rain for what felt like hours, I finally went inside. I stripped off my wet clothes and decided to take a shower. 

I turned the water to almost hot before stepping in. I let the water run down my body as I began to wash myself. I didn't have a mirror in front of me, but I could tell my face looked emotionless. I would know, it's how I felt. I didn't know what to feel. 

I just had the best kiss ever with the most amazing person, then she left. How was I supposed to feel? Should I text her or something? No. She left you, not the other way around. Should I be mad about it? Duh, stupid. No one should just leave without saying a word after having the most mind blowing kiss ever.

I feel the water starting to get cold so I decide to step out. I wrap a towel around my body and dry myself off. I rub my hair between the towel before throwing it into the dirty hamper. I put on my panties then my bra. I wipe the mirror a little before looking at myself. 

Every part I see, looks like a mistake. Every scar I see, reminds me of when I lived with him. I turn from side to side, remembering what each scar was from. I sigh, realizing, no matter how many times I look in the mirror, they won't go away.

I slip into some baggy pajamas and a baggy t-shirt. I walk out of the bathroom and walk into my room. I pull back my blankets before snuggling under them. I grab my phone, seeing nothing, so I put it back.

I look up at my glow in the dark stickers above me. I start to think of the night I left. The night I packed everything and left. I hated leaving my mother, but I couldn't stand him. And she wouldn't leave with me....

 I turn again trying to get comfortable. After turning fourteen different times, I finally begin to fall asleep.


"Go put on some different clothes! I can see all of your scars. If the others see you, they won't to hang out with you no more." She sighed and laughed. "I guess it doesn't matter, they don't like you anyway." I watched as Rainbow laughed. She then looked at me and left without saying a word.

Suddenly, I was in a big dark place. I opened my eyes to find I was at there house again.

"What am I doing back here?" I started walking around, hoping they wouldn't be here.

I walked into the kitchen and saw mom cooking something.

"Mom? What are you making?" She didn't say anything so I walked closer. I grabbed her shoulder to turn her around, but stepped back when I saw her face.

"We decided, were going to cook you." She had an evil smile that literally was up to her eyes. Her face didn't have any skin and looked like muscles and bones.

I screamed and fell back. My butt hit the floor, but I soon got up seeing someone standing over me.

"Fluttershy? Why did you leave us?"  My brother, Zypher, moved like a robot trying to reach me.

"N-no, I told mom she could come.... S-she said...." I felt my back hit the cabinet and screamed as mom and Zypher started coming towards me.

I was suddenly in the dark place again. I looked around not knowing where to go. 

I opened my eyes to see I was in the dark place again. I then felt myself being laid down and snuggled under some blankets.

I sighed realizing it was just a dream....

"Fluttershy, you shouldn't have told anyone...." I watched as father walked into my room. In one hand he held a whip, in the other held a cigar.


I felt my body jolt up, feeling the sweat all over my body. I pulled the blanket back. I looked around seeing I was in my room. I got up and started pacing.

"Hey, it's okay. He's not here. There okay. Don't worry. It's going to be okay." I sat in a ball rocking myself back and forth trying to calm myself down. "He's not here...." I heard myself repeat every now and then.

After awhile, my breathing returned to normal. I got back into bed, feeling the bed envelope me. That was the first night I had cried myself to sleep since I moved here....

I woke up to a cloudy sky covered by my some what see through curtains. Had it stopped raining finally?

I got out of bed feeling really tired, but also really refreshed. I walked downstairs and decided to make myself a cup of tea. I sat down on my couch, turning the TV on. I changed the channel till I was on the morning news. I smiled as I sat back.

I took a sip of my tea and relaxed into the couch.

"Breaking news. Last night a girl, yet to be identified, was nearly killed in a car crash. Police say she has major head trauma, a broken leg, and has to get stitches on her head. Police also say there were no vital organs that were identified to be injured."

I looked at the screen as I saw the police inspecting a car. To the side I saw a paramedic putting a girl into an ambulance. Did she have, rainbow hair?

I spit out my tea as they showed a closer picture of her. I shakily put down my mug on the table. I shut off the TV. I sat there for a second in silence. I suddenly got up and bolted upstairs, almost tripping twice. I raced to my room and grabbed my phone. I sat on the bed and looked at my notifications.


Have you guys seen the news? Rainbow got into a car accident!


Seriously?! Do you know what hospital she's at?


Yeah, we should all meet there. Did they say how bad she's hurt?


Yeah, but we should talk in person. 


I'll call the hospitals and see where she's at.


Sounds good. Let us know what you find.

I look at when these messages were sent, six minutes ago.


I just saw the news. Please let me know what you guys find.

I sent the message and put the phone on the bed right next to me. I look at the floor. I feel the tears roll down my face. I bite my sleeves trying not to cry.

"God, this is all my fault... If I had made her stay.... If I hadn't left the mall...." I broke down in sobs as I hugged my pillow and bit my sleeve. "I should have made you stay.... You have to make it.... I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen to you.... Please...." I laid down as I hugged my pillow.

I jumped up as I heard a ding go off. I grabbed my phone and quickly looked at what it was.


She's at the one on the north side. Be careful everyone! People have gotten hurt because of all the rain. See you guys there.

I drop my phone as I hurry to get dressed.

"It's okay Rainbow. I'm coming...." I say as I put on my pants.

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