Confusing Feelings

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Hey guys. This is going to be having a bit of a sexual scene. It won't be to bad, but just thought I would warn you. Love you guys!

Rainbow Dash's Point Of View-

I looked over at Fluttershy to see her reaction. Her face is looking straight ahead, no emotion. Is she mad? Happy? What is going through your head?

She had a slight emotion before it disappeared and she smiled.

"That's great Rainbow. I'm really happy for you." Huh?

"What? Happy for me?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah. Isn't that what you wanted?" I noticed how her hands tightened on the steering wheel.

"I...." Does she not have feelings for me? No, maybe it's just.... Maybe I'm meant to be with Twilight. Yeah, thats it. Fluttershy and I were just caught up in the moment. Yeah.... "Yeah. It's what I want." I looked out the window again and sighed.

Even if I said it, I'm not fully convinced that I should have said it. I did love Twilight. So why am I hesitating? Do I still love Twilight?

Do I have feelings for Fluttershy?

I heard the car shut off so I turned toward her.

"Were here." She said in a low voice as she got out. I got out with her and we started walking towards the doors to the mall.

We walked in and went to the food court. We sat at a table and looked around for everyone.

I jumped up as I saw them.

"Hey guys! Long time no see!" I walk over to them. Rarity and Applejack have some bags, Pinkie has bags of candy and party supplies, and Twilight has a bag of books.

"Rainbow!" Pinkie dropped her stuff and ran over to me. She jumped at me and gave me the the biggest hug. Rarity and Applejack did the same. When they stepped back they went to hug Fluttershy. Twilight put her stuff down and slowly walked over to me. When she got to me, she looked down. She slowly stepped forward and gave me a hug to.

"Rainbow.... I'm so sorry...." I felt her burst into tears. I put my left hand around her and used my right to pet her, to comfort her.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here now." I put my head on hers and we stayed like that for a bit.

When we pulled back, I took her chin into my hand and made her look at me. I wiped the tears on her face. I slowly leaned in and kissed her. I felt her respond right away. But one thing I didn't feel? The sparks. I didn't feel the sparks that I had felt with Fluttershy.

I pulled away and looked around to see everyone staring at us.

"Hehe, sorry guys." I said smiling.

"It's quite alright darling." Rarity said picking her bags up again.

I looked between all the girls and realized that Fluttershy wasn't here.

"Hey guys? Where did Fluttershy go? She was just here." I asked looking around some more.

"She said she had to go home and finish up some homework or somthin." Applejack said looking at the exit.

"Oh, well.... You wouldn't mind if I asked for a ride home? She was my ride here...."

"Or we can just go to my house? You haven't been there in forever." Twilight looked up at me and smiled.

I nodded my head and looked at everyone else.

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