Going Home

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Rainbow Dash's Point Of View-

After our massages, we decided to go home. We were all so relaxed, we could barely move. And I wasn't going to say this to anyone, but it actually felt nice.

We got into the car and drove back to Pinkies house. I looked at my phone since it was in the car the entire time.

Six missed calls? Seven Text messages?!

There all from the same person. Twilight.

I look at all the texts she sent-


-Hey, could we talk?

-I know you're mad but please message me.

-Are you busy? Or just ignoring me?

-Hey, I'm getting worried. Call me back.

-I'm getting really worried! Answer my calls!

-I have been thinking, maybe we should just end whatever this is. Call me back when it's right for you. Cause apparently, it's all about you.

Shit. I have to call her back.

"Are you ok Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked.

"Give me a second."

I pressed call and it rang. Once. Twice. Three times. Four.

"Sorry, this person is unavailable. Please leave a message after-"


I called again. It rang once. Twice. Three times. Four times.


"Oh thank god you answered." I let out a sigh of relief as I heard her voice.

"What did you need?" What the hell?

"Seriously? You asked me to call you, so that's what I'm doing." I frowned in confusion.

"Oh. You know the park near your house? Could you meet me there in an hour?" Why there?

"Yeah sure. But are-"

"Bye Rainbow Dash." She hung up on me.

"Everything all right darling?" 

"Fine. Could we just go straight to Pinkies, please?" I asked looking out the window.

"Okay, you sure your okay?" She asked again.


"Rainbow." I looked at Fluttershy.

"Are you ok?" No.

I want to break down and have her hug me till I'm okay again. I want her to come with me. But it will just piss off Twilight. So, she can't come with me. I want to cry, but I don't. I can't. Not in front of everyone else.

"Yeah, just had to call Twilight. She wants to talk to me about something at the park." I said giving her a fake smile.

"Do you want me to come? I know how hard this has been." She whispered the last part.

Maybe she can stay in the parking lot. I know I'm going to need someone to cry to after. I know she's going to break up with me.... I felt tears in my eyes....

No. Don't cry. It will be ok. I can't go to her every time I need to cry. I can't count on her all the time.

"No, it's ok. I'll be fine." I gave her a smile and looked out the window.

We got to Pinkies house shortly after. I nearly jumped out of her car. I waited for Pinkie to open the door. Once she did, I raced inside to grab my things. I threw everything that wasn't in my bag into my bag. 

"Thanks guys! For everything. I had so much fun. And I'm glad I came, I got to meet you Fluttershy. Love you all!" I hugged everyone and raced to my car. I nearly tripped on the curb, but I finally made it to my car.

I texted Twilight that I would be there in ten minutes then started my car. I backed out of the driveway and headed to the park.

What's she going to say? Will she break up with me? Will she say we should still be friends? What if she doesn't show up? Could she forget about me that easy? No, she wouldn't. Am I going to break down in front of her? Will I loose my temper if she says we need space or some shit?

It doesn't matter. I have to do this. What ever she says, I have to respect her decision.

I saw the park and seen five or six little kids that were playing. I looked at the clock to find that it was three-fifty-one. Nine minutes early....

I got out of my car to go sit on a bench in the park. I sat there and stared at the ground for awhile. I looked at the kids playing. Screaming and shouting, not having a care in the world. I wish I was a little kid again.... Everything was so much easier.

"Is this seat taken?" I turned to see Twilight with two Starbuck's cups.

"Uh, no. Saved it for you...." What the hell? Who says that? Dumb-ass....

"Oh, thanks I guess." She sat down and offered me one of the cups.

"Thanks." I took the warm cup into my hands.

"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight looked hard at the ground.

"Y-yeah?" Why did you stutter you fuc-

"Do you think we can last? We can make it? Were really different. It's not even that.... You deserve so much better." I looked over to see a tear drip from her face to her cup.

"Twilight...." She squeezed her eyes shut as more tears came.

"Please don't cry.... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you before." I looked at my cup and heard her inhale really hard.

"No, you had every right to. No good relationship is stable without trust. You just met her, and I couldn't even trust you.... I thinks it's cause...." She started crying harder as she squeezed her cup. "I'm so afraid to loose you.... I know you can do so much better. So why me?" She set her cup on the ground so she didn't spill it on her. I watched as she closed her eyes so hard to stop the tears from coming, but I saw them dripping onto her hands.

I reached over to wipe the tears from her face and put my hand on her cheek. I pulled back when she flinched.

Did she think I would hurt her?

"Rainbow Dash.... I'm so sorry.... I want you to be happy. You might not think you can be happy without me, and it might take awhile, but one day you will be perfectly fine without me. But I think for now, we need some space. And I think we should...." She wiped the tears from her face and looked at me. God, those purple eyes blow me away every time. "I think we should break up." 

I felt the air in my lungs disappear.

I stood up and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash." I watched as she stood up.

I felt my chest tighten as she walked away crying and hugging herself.

I wanted to run after her. I wanted to run up to her and tell her it's going to be okay. I wanted to go after her and argue that she was wrong. I wanted to scream at her for how wrong she is. Tell her how much I love her. I wanted to kiss her till she couldn't breath. Instead, I was the one who couldn't breath.

What just happened?


So sorry these last few chapters have been sad. This one here, its a doozy. I started crying at the end and yeah.... Again sorry for all the tears being shed. Love you all! Let me know what you think!

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