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Rainbow Dash's Point Of View-

I walked to the bathroom and locked the door. I held onto the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. I pulled my left hand back, realizing I was putting to much pressure on it.

"What are you doing Dash?" I looked at my eyes, sighed, and looked down.

I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't know anything.... I know that I feel a strong connection with Fluttershy. I know she makes me happy and makes me forget about all the bad things that are happening. She makes me smile and gives me a weird feeling in my stomach. She tries so hard to make others happy. Even if she's sad, she still tries to make others smile. She's so kind and wouldn't hurt anyone. Well, unless they made someone else feel bad. And she's so pretty. She has soft pink hair. Like a gentle breeze by a cherry blossom tree. And her eyes, oh god those eyes. There like the Caribbean Sea. There so fucking mesmerizing.

Oh no.

I'm feeling....

Sure I felt things with Twilight, but these are like, different. Twilight gave me butterflies and she caught my eye when ever she came into the room. Fluttershy though? I can't stop looking at her. And she doesn't just give me butterflies, *Pun intended* she gives me the entire freaking zoo. Could it be possible? Could I have caught feelings for her in just a day?

I looked in the mirror.

She could never like me, could she? When I leaned in to kiss her, she didn't pull away. She put her arms around me. Could she like someone as pathetic as me?

I walked out of the bathroom and went down stairs. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I reached into the back and grabbed a bottle of water. I closed the fridge and chugged the water. I tossed the bottle into the trash and went back upstairs.

I walked in my room and saw Fluttershy laying in my bed. The blankets were up to her waist and she had her hand by her head. Her hair was sprawled out on the pillow. She looked so tired, yet she still looked like a princess sleeping.

I walked up to my bed and pulled the blankets back. I scooted her over, towards the wall. I crawled in bed and pulled the blankets up to my shoulder. I turned on my left side and looked at Fluttershy.

I thought about what it would be like to have her snuggled in my arms. I thought of what it would be like to wake up and have her next to me. I thought of what her lips would feel like on mine. How would she react? She would think I'm a creep. Kissing someone in there sleep is freaking weird. Maybe I could get away with her not knowing.... She could think she's dreaming or hallucinating. 

Only one way to find out....

I sat up on my elbow and looked at her. I reached over and moved her hair out of her face. I put my hand on her face and rubbed her cheek with my thumb. I decided to just kiss her forehead. I didn't want her finding out I did then think I was a creep. I exhaled and closed my eyes. I leaned forward and felt her skin on mine. I slowly pulled away. I opened my eyes to see her still asleep. Her lips were slightly parted now, but she was still asleep. Good. 

I laid back down and looked at her. I watched as she cuddled up into a fetal position and moaned something. My eyes grew wide thinking I had woke her up. Then I heard her say something. Does she talk in her sleep? She didn't say anything about it.

"Dash...." She laughed. "Your such a flirt.... Twilight wouldn't like this.... Would you really sneak behind her back for me? Aw, your so cute...." My eyes widened.

What the hell? Could she like me? She definitely said my name. What was she dreaming about? Maybe if I asked her, she could think that I was Rainbow in her dream.

"Oh yeah? What if I kissed you here?" I asked her. I smiled not even knowing what I was doing.

I waited a second not hearing anything.

"Not there.... I'm ticklish...." She had a small smile while curling up more.

"To bad, huh?" I said smiling again.

"Hehe.... It's to bad it took us years to get together. Remember the first week I met you? The first night I stayed at your house? I've liked you since...." Her voice muttered out to a whisper at the end. I heard her start to breathe lightly, meaning, she probably fell asleep.

I laid on my back and started to think.

She liked me? Wow. I want to tell her in the morning.... Would she tell me about what happened in her dream? Probably not.

I turned back towards her and felt myself drifting off.


I woke up feeling something hard against my back and something wrapped around me. I slightly turned to see what was behind me. I turned and saw Fluttershy. She had her arms around me and her head snuggled into my back. I looked at her for a second then thought about everything that happened last night.

"Oh no...." I said quietly.

I watched as she started to stir awake. Her face scrunched up before she opened her eyes. She looked at me and smiled.

"Hey." She said as she sat up. She stretched her arms and that's when I noticed her crazy bed head.

"Hi." I said trying to sound like a normal person, but instead my voice was all raspy.

"Did you sleep good?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, some what." I thought for a second, debating whether I should say something. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?" I asked sitting up.

"I uh...." Her face started turning red. "Did I say something last night? Or do you remember?"

I looked at her and decided not to say anything.

"Naw, I don't really remember much. I was really tired." I said smiling.

"Oh thank goodness." She said relaxing her shoulders.

Now I kind of want to know.... 

What kind of dream did she have?

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