Please Stay

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So, this chapter was so supposed to be like five chapters ago. But, I needed the space and explaining and yeah. So yeah. 

Fluttershy's Point Of View-

After we got into the car, we started heading back. I kept looking over at Dash to make sure she was ok. I felt so bad, I mean, if we hadn't of come here, she wouldn't have gotten hurt. But, I think I accomplished my mission. It seemed like she hadn't thought about Twilight in awhile.

"Did you want to stop at the gas station? I'm sure you might want something to eat or drink." I looked over to see her reaction.

I looked over to see her eyes closed and she had fallen asleep. She's asleep? What- Could she really had been that tired to fall asleep with in the first ten minutes of being on the road? Well, guess I'm alone. I pulled over to look through my CD's in the glove box, being careful not to wake her up.

I pulled out James Arthur- Back From The Edge and The Greatest Showmen. I looked between the two and decided on James Arthur. He's always a good pick.

I put the CD in and immediately knew the first song. I skipped it to get to my favorite song. I drove back onto the road and continued home.

"I met you in the dark, you lit me up. You made me feel as though, I was enough." I sang along as I knew every word to the song.

"Just say you won't let go...." I closed my eyes slightly as I put my heart into the song.

As I sang, I started to think about earlier, when I kissed Rainbow's hand. Did I do it out of friendship? Love? Kindness? No, could I like her? No. It was out of kindness. Even if I did, it wouldn't matter. She loves Twilight, I have no chance. Not that I would want one, cause I don't like her. 

The CD played it's final words when I pulled up to the gas station we were at earlier.

"You sing pretty good...." I looked over at Rainbow to see her eyes closed. Was that her?

I watched as she sat up and stretched her arms, being careful with her left hand.

"H-How long have you b-been listening?" I asked as I put the CD into it's case.

"Well, I have this half place. It's where I'm not fully asleep, but I'm not awake either. So, the entire time." She got out of the car and walked into the store.

Why that little....

I got out of my car and walked inside. I looked around and saw her getting a water from one of the fridges. I walked up to her and pointed my finger at her.

"Now you listen here, you can't just pretend your asleep to hear me sing. I don't like singing in front of people.... So next time you do that, I'm gonna have to do something about it, you hear me?" I said in a stern voice.

She held up her hands in surrender, making sure not to straighten her left hand.

"I didn't mean to. It just happened." She looked at her water then back at me.

"Can I get this though? I didn't bring my money, but I'll pay you back when I get home." She dropped her left hand and held up her water. I looked at her then sighed.

"Fine. But you don't have to pay me back." I said grabbing money from my purse.

We walked up to the cash register and payed for her water. We both used the restrooms before we got back into the car and continued home.

Rainbow Dash's Point Of View-

**So this is a long story. I'm a fuck up. Sorry. I was writing this and felt all proud of myself cause this chapter was going good, and I went to go review it and realized it had started in Fluttershy's point of view. Then I was like, well fuck me. I didn't want to go and rewrite anything cause I like it the way it is. The funny part? I don't remember switching point of views. Shoot me.... Again so sorry. Read on....**

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