First Impressions

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Rainbow Dash's POV:

I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear. I rolled over and pressed snooze on my phone. I hate that I have to get up this early.... Why eight o'clock? On a weekend, I could sleep till eleven.

Well, at least soccer practice is fun.

So I swung my feet out of bed and put on my soccer uniform. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair out and put it into a pony tail. I brushed my teeth and put on my blue and white converse. I tied them then ran down my stairs.

I grabbed my bag, an apple, and my phone. I shoved it in my pocket and grabbed my keys.

I ran to my car and left for practice.

*Time Skip To Lunch*

After practice I went home and made some lunch. I made a BLT and got some juice and sat on the couch.

I decided to watch some Netflix. I searched and din't find anything, so I decided to watch some re-runs of Riverdale.

I heard my phone go off, so I took a big bite of my sandwich and looked to see who texted me.

Hey! I met someone new at the store today! She seems really nice and quiet. She got super excited when she saw Spike though. So I think she loves animals. Anyway she's our age and is going to the same school as us on Monday. So I wanted her to make some friends before she goes so she won't be so lost. I invited her to a sleepover tonight at six, at Pinkies house. Hope you can make it! I love you <3.

Hmm someone new? That could be interesting....

Yeah I can make it. Be there at six! Love you to.

This could be exciting.... 

I put my phone down, ate lunch, and watched TV. But I couldn't focus. I was wondering about tonight.... What was she going to be like? Was she rude? Was she going to be a bully? Was she nice? Why did she love animals?

After I finished my lunch, I packed for tonight.

I got dressed for tonight to. Not that there's much. Just changed and re-did my pony tail.

I changed into a dark blue tank top (Pun intended) and a denim jacket over it. I got some black leggings and my black converse.

I got my bag and went down stairs.

I decided to go for a run since I had so much time. I put my earbuds in and ran my normal mile.

*Time Skip*

It was now 5:30. So I decided to go early.

I didn't want to be late and also be a bad impression on the new girl. So I got in my car and headed to Pinkie's.

When I got there, Pinkie was the only one there besides Twilight and I.

Probably to help with the snacks or something like that. You know Twilight. She plans everything..

I walked over to them and looked at all the food.

"Hey Twi. What are we making here?" I asked as I came closer to the counter.

"Uh lets see, apples and peanut butter or Carmel. Popcorn. Soda. Chips. Dip and salsa for the chips. Punch. And candy!" Twilight said pointing to everything.

Wow. She really out did her self this time.

"Wow." Was all I said. I walked up to her and put my warm around her waist.

"Yeah. I hope she likes us. And Pinkie doesn't scare her off." She said looking up at me.

"Iwonderwhatherfavorite-" Pinkie started running around and talking all fast. She sure is something else.

I leaned down and kissed Twi before grabbing a piece of popcorn.


"Rainbow, can you go get that." Twi asked me. She started pouring the drinks into six different cups.

"Yeah I-" I was going to go open the door but Pinkie was already there.

"Hi Apple Jack! Hi Rarity!" Pinkie yelled when She answered the door.

I think she had to much sugar.

It would make sense.

I mean, its Pinkie.

"Hey y'all! The new one not here yet?" AJ asked as she came in and set her stuff on the couch.

"Do you think I over dressed?" Rarity followed in behind her.

"Not yet. She might have got lost or didn't want to be here early. She did seem quite shy. So Pinkie? Try not to scare her off, ok?" Twilight said as she finished the snacks.

"Huh? Mhm!" Pinkie said with her mouth full of candy.

Yep. Definitely hyper.


"Rainbow, go get that. Pinkies to busy with her candy. Hehe." She said looking at her. She's going to be up for hours.

I laughed a little and walked to the door. I opened the door with my eyes closed and said-

"Hello! You must me be the new one. I'm Rainbow Dash." I said with a big smile. I had my arms behind my back until I opened my eyes and put out my hand.

I opened my eyes and saw a girl a girl with light pink hair. She had teal eyes and it looked like everything thing she owned had butterflies.

"Oh uh hi. I'm Fluttershy...." She said so quietly I barley heard her. And she held out her hand to shake mine.

"GASP. You must be the new one! Omg its so amazing to see you!" Pinkie said once she saw her.

"Pinkie. Twi told you not to scare her." I said looking at Pinkie.

"I'm not. I'm just greeting her." She crossed her arms and and walked away.

"Sorry she can be bit much sometimes. But she means well. Oh! Uh come in!" I said stepping aside and shutting the door once she came in.

"Wow. Its so big in here." She said quietly once again.

Twilight was right. She is super shy.

I can tell though, tonight will be interesting.

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