Let Her Go

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Applejack's Point Of View-

Once we got to the mall, I left everyone to go to my favorite store. Boot Barn. I stood in front of the store and looked up at the sign. I took a deep breath, breathing in the familiar scent. I walked in and looked around. Apple Bloom's birthday was next week, and I knew she needed a new pair of boots. I walked in and looked through the isles of boots. I went to the girl teens and saw the perfect pair, they were a light red with yellow swirls on them.

"These are perfect!" I picked out her size and found the box.

"Will these be all for you?" The lady said scanning the box and putting them into a bag.

"Yes m'am." I got my wallet out knowing they would be a lot.

"That will be $121.42." She set the bag on the counter and looked at me.

I pulled out my money and looked up at the lady.

"Here ya are." 

She put my money in the cashier and gave me my change and receipt. 

"Have a nice day." 

"Thanks. You to!" I grabbed the bag and made my way out of the store.

There goes my money for the next two months.... Oh well. It's for my sister.

"AJ?" I looked to see who called my name.

My eyes landed on her.

"Coloratura?" I watched as she made her way toward me.

"AJ! It's so good to see you again!" She dropped her bags on the floor and hugged me. I put my bag down and hugged her back.

"I uh, it's nice to see you to." I picked my bag back up and looked at her.

What was she doing here?

"You want to go catch up? I was just heading to a new coffee shop here." She pointed to her left, where she was heading before she saw me.

"Um, yeah. I need to talk to you about something anyway."

I followed her since she knew where it was and I didn't.

We walked into a little brown coffee shop. It has wooden hearts and cheesy quotes everywhere. We put our bags at a little table to the side. After, we walked up the the counter and ordered.

"I'll have a vanilla latte and she will have," she looked at me and waited.

"Carmel apple spice latte please and thank you." I said after looking over the menu.

"Alright. That will be $5.58." She said typing things into her computer.

Rara pulled a ten out of her purse and handed it to the lady.

What? She invited me, I wasn't gonna to pay....

"Here's your receipt, that will be out shortly." She handed Rara her receipt and we went and sat down at our table.

"So what have you been doing for the past couple of days?" 

"Well, I went to a sleepover yesterday with my friends. There's this new girl in town named Fluttershy and she's going to be going to the same school as us. So Twilight invited her, and today we decided to hang out at the mall today, so that's why I'm here. And I had to get my sister a birthday present. What about you? Up to anything?"

"Here's those drinks ladies. Let me know if you need anything." She put our drinks on the table and left to go help someone else.

"Well, I needed a new outfit for a party I'm going to next weekend. So I heard there were some deals and JCPenny's. I got a new outfit and a new pair of shoes for less than a hundred dollars!" I had no idea what any of that meant, but she sure was happy about it.

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