Resuming Old Missions

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As the girls start walking toward the office the headmistress gets a call. "Hugh, who could that be" She said as she pulled out her phone from her pocket. She glances at her phone. Then She noticed the number on the screen. "Oh, no its Boss" she said. Debating to pick up the call or not Shisuma took a deep breath as she took the call.

"Hello?... Boss?" she said with sweat drops all over her forehead. "Yes.. have you found the student with the magic domain?" The boss asked.

"I'm so sorry m'am but i have not" She said terrified. "What about Kaede?" The lady asked. "Um my partner has expressed feelings of not wanting to work with me" Shisuma replied. "I know you are not on the best terms besides being partners in this mission. But i will still ask for you mission to be complete. Call Kaede and tell her i told you to do what we discussed. We will be in contact" The boss said as she hung up.

"Oh, what am i going to do" she asked herself. While Shisuma exited the library Nagisa and Kim where sharing the information they gathered. "What? A robot from beta?" Iris said. "Yeah! Unfortunately we could not find out why is it here" Kimberly said. "But why would they be trying to get info from us though?" said Sakura. "Maybe for a planed attack?" said Nagisa.

"How will we find out what they were searching for?" Sakura asked. "We can come up with a plan after this is done" Nagisa said. They arrive at the Headmistress's office. The room was very sophisticated. There were gold accents on the desk and shelves. A neat little tea kettle was placed in the corner of the room. Nagisa couldn't believe her eyes, the room she was in looked so mature and grown up.

After Nagisa admired the room Shisuma entered, then procedes to put her purse on a side table in her office. Later she gestured for them to be seated. She grabbed a tray with the tea kettle, 6 cups and a small bowl of sugar and placed it on her desk. Shisuma sat down on her office chair with one leg crossed. She used her magic to pour her self a cup of tea. "Would you like some?" Shisuma asked. "Sure" Nagisa said.

With her impressive skills Headmistress Shisuma poured each girl a cup. Nagisa then takes a sip. "This, this is great. What kind of tea is it?" Nagisa asked. "It's Rose tea. We make our own from the roses that get picked" Shisuma said putting her cup down. "Girls, would one of you care to explain what happened today? Hmmmm?" Shisuma said looking straight at Nagisa.

Starting to sweat, Nagisa cleared her throat to speak. "Well, Miss we wanted to train in the arena by the book store" Nagisa said. "That doesn't answer why you were in the library" Shisuma said. "Miss I left my phone charger in my locker and i couldn't find my key, so i went to my dorm and by the time i came back to my locker Iris had texted me that someone was coming my way" Amber said showing Shisuma the text. "Once the girl was cornered, she transformed revealing her true identity to be Susukawa Hanako. After that we realized that she was in the library after seeing a pile of books fall from her bag" Nagisa explained.

"Ok, so that explains why you were in the library, but why was there a fight?" Shisuma asked. "The reason behind her being there in unknown to us, but we did record her and her and her colleagues" Nagisa said showing her the video. "Ok girls" Shisuma said putting her tea down. "You may leave, but you cannot I be lurking the halls of this school on off days" Shisuma said. "Understood!" they all said as they bowed.

Shisuma gestured for them to leave. After the girls left her office Shisuma put away the tea set after cleaning the cups. She then stat down on her chair and looked at her desk. Her phone was there staring back at her. The glare of the screen reflecting the sun blinded Shisuma. She turned to look out the large window behind her. She could see every inch of the school, pick out every detail. Once she turned back a small twinkle caught her eye. In the corner of her desk.

A metallic brooch was placed right there, in her reach yet, it seemed so far. "I should just..." Shisuma said doubting her self. She gave in and picked up her phone. She dialed Kaede's phone. No Answer. She then remembered the beta school number. The phone at the Beta office was ringing. Shisuma was getting a bit agitated and then someone answered.

"Hello, thank you for calling Beta school of the gifted, How may i help you"

"Yes, um hi. It's Shisuma, the headmistress at Omega"

"Oh! Why hello Miss. How may i be of service this fine afternoon?"

"May i speak to Kaede?"

"I'm sorry but Kaede is in a meting"

"I't very important"

"Ok then, uhh. I'll connect your call, one moment. Ok it's all set have a wonderful day miss Shisuma!"

Shisuma was so nervous. She hadn't talked to her former partner in years. She was worried of how she would react. The Kaede picked up the phone. "Hello?" Kaede said. Shisuma froze at the voice of her former colleague. "Hello! I don't have time for pranks!" Kaede said about to hang up. "Hello, it's me Shisuma. I know i'm the last voice you want to hear right now, but still we need to talk" Shisuma said.

"What do you want?" Kaede asked. "Well..." said Shisuma. " I have better things to do than to sit around waiting for you" Kaede said angry. "Ok, ok it's just that boss called to tell me that we have to finish our mission" Shisuma said. "WHAT! We haven't located the student with the "Magic" domain. All my students in my school have discovered their domains" Kaede said

"Well, there is this girl in the school that has not found her domain but it couldn't be her because her mom is a retired healing fairy" Shisuma said. "UGH fine so what do we do?" Kaede asked. "I don't know but can we arrange a meting in person?" Shisuma asked "About what?" Kaede asked kind of worried. "Three of your students were on school grounds, Without authorization!" Shisuma said angry. "Fine when shall we meet?" Kaede said. "The board room at my school. Tomorrow." Shisuma said. " Fine" Kaede said while hanging up.

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