Rooftop Battle

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   "Nagisa!" Kimberly yelled as she ran toward her. Kimberly and Nagisa hug. "Your ok" She said. "Crap!" Hanako said stepping back. Then Hanako though of her mission. "Girls formation" Hanako said as her friends  joined her "Let's show them how it's done... Beta style" She said as the got in a v shape facing Amber, Iris and Sakura.

   "BETA! POWER! " Hanako yelled. All three girls started to transform. "Girls Now" Iris said holding out her brooch. "STAR ANIS" They said as they transformed. A bolt of light shined above the whole building as they transformed. "What do we do?" Kimberly asked. "You're asking the wrong person here" Nagisa said

   Nagisa noticed a small ledge on the building next to that one. "Aha, i got it" Nagisa said jumping to the other building. Kimberly followed and jumped. "What, what?" Kimberly asked. "We sit" Nagisa said while sitting on the ledge. "WE WHAT" Kimberly said looking at Nagisa like a crazy person.

   "Hear me out we sit and take note of how they fight, what attack level they are, weapons, form all those things" Nagisa said holding up her notebook. "Why would we do that" Kimberly asked. "We can use it to our advantage in battle and we can train to counter those things" Nagisa said. "Ok, I guess" Kimberly said annoyed. "It's a battle thing for strategy and stealth" Nagisa said.

   "Dark void!" They attacked. "Ice Shield!" Iris screamed as a shield appeared in front of her blocking the attack. Hanako stepped back and started charging an attack. The other girls went to distract Iris, Sakura and Amber. Iris kicked one of them in their face while Sakura trapped the other one. "DEATH DESTROYER!" Hanako screamed as an attack shot at the girls. Both girls teleport back to Hanako

   "AHHH!" They screamed. Nagisa saw the girls on the floor very weak. "HAHAHA!" Hanako started laughing. She started charging it up again. Nagisa was so worried and could not bare the sight of her friends getting killed. "DEATH DESTROYER!" Hanako screamed again as an attack shot at the girls. Suddenly Shisuma ran in. "Shield of LIGHT!" She yelled blocking the attack. 

   A huge cloud of smoke formed from the impact. Everyone was coughing. Hanako failed to notice Shisuma was there. "ORB OF ENERGY!" Shisuma shot at Hanako and her friends. They get hit and fall backwards. "NO!" Hanako screamed. Nagisa noticed something weird, Hanako and the girls were starting to float surrounded by dark red magic. Out of nowhere  a cloaked figure flew behind the girls and commanded them. "Multi Elementi Sphaera!" They shot a Giant beam of negative energy.

   Quickly Shisuma put up a shield but noticed the shield wouldn't be strong enough to hold back such a powerful attack. Amber, Sakura and Iris got up and helped the head mistress. "Like we taught you in class!" Shisuma screamed to try and get her voice to them. They all nod. "Multi Elementi Integument" A semi rainbow shield appears to block the attack.

   "It's working!"Amber said. The cloaked figure also noticed it was working so it shot at Kimberly making her start to fall over the edge of the building. Nagisa dropped her book and grabbed Kim's arm before she could fall to far. Nagisa struggled to get Kimberly up, but once she did she was met with a surprise. She got hit and she fell to fast to be caught by Kimberly. "NAGISA!" Kimberly screamed as Nagisa started to fall out of her reach.

   Shisuma turned her head and saw what was happening and stopped her section of the shield. She jumped over to the next building and grabbed her brooch. She quickly pressed the middle of it before jumping. A suit of armor formed around Shisuma's body while she jumped after Nagisa. By this point Nagisa had fainted.

   Her chest was glowing with a purplish magenta color that reacted when Shisuma came in to contact with her. It formed a solid magenta orb around both of them before falling to the concrete sidewalk. People were recording the whole ordeal. Kimberly was still looking over the edge when they crashed on the floor. It took some time before the orb disintegrated leaving a fainted Nagisa and a semi fainted Shisuma on the ground.

   Kimberly got out her phone to dial 911 when she saw Iris, Amber and Sakura's shield get destroyed. "Bye bye!" Hanako said while pushing the girls off the edge with an attack. Kimberly reacted the same way as Shisuma by running to the edge and jumping. Once she got close enough she yelled an attack. "LOVE SHIELD ORB!" A pink orb formed around the girls until they hit the ground.

   The orb shattered on impact. Leaving 4 fainted girls on the floor caught on camera. The hooded figure went to give the girls high fives "Great job!" it said. Shisuma opened her eyes slowly and realized what had happened. She struggled to get up but she managed to do so. She ran to the main street where the back of the building was. She pressed her chest making her armor disappear in to her brooch again.

   Shisuma ran all the way to where the figure could hear her. "HEY!" Shisuma yelled. The figure turned around and noticed Shisuma all the way on the floor. She flew doe to Shisuma's level. "Pick on someone your own size." She said holding up her brooch. The figure stood still and waited. "BLOSSOMING FLOWER!" Shisuma screamed as she transformed.

   "Try your hardest!" The figure said. "Light orb!" Shisuma attacked the figure. The figure avoided the attack. "Heh Horrible!" The figure said. "Dark BOLT!" It shot at Shisuma. She fell back. The figure started floating again. Shisuma started crawling backward as the cloaked figure charged up an attack. "Light beam!" Shisuma attacked the small jewel that held the cloak together destroying it.

   The cloak flew off of the figure's body revealing the person behind it. The crowd gasped as Kaede Katayama floated before them. A man quickly got out his phone to record the oddly dressed headmistress, she wore a shiny white leather leotard with knee high black boots. Above her chest was a jewel like the one Shisuma broke but this one held a red  see through cape down to her ancles.

  On the other hand Shisuma wore black leather suspender shorts with a white poof sleeve blouse and black heel doc martens. The people were amazed to see them out of formal wear that it was a moment to be documented. While the headmistresses fought Iris regained a bit of her conciseness. She opened her eyes slowly revealing to her the destruction that was the side walk

   She looked around her and saw Amber, Kim and Sakura fainted next to her in their day to day clothes. Glancing at herself she saw she too was in her normal clothing. After blinking for a while she realized Nagisa was not there, so she tried to get up, but the wight of her body was too strong for her weakened arms to carry. Starting to loose conciseness she looked at her communicator and pressed the call button and called May, Shisuma's assistant. 

   Iris left a creepy voice message to the young woman. "Please hurry, save us" Iris said before fainting again. Every ones focus was on the fight that was unraveling itself on the street. Shisuma noticed that Kaede started to glow red and her attacks were stronger. "DEATH BLAST!" She screamed as she attacked Shisuma.

   Shisuma fell from her state of floating and hit the ground very hard. Her elbows and knees started to leave behind traces of bright cherry red blood on the road. Kaede floated down and landed in front of Shisuma. She started walking toward her while she crawled away. Kaede grabbed Shisuma by her suspenders and threw her to a building wall. Her nose, hands, thighs everything was bleeding. As Kaede approached her again she yelled. "Someone CALL 911!"

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