An Unexpected Discovery

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While her friends created a boarder of protection around her, Nagisa's eyes widened as she started to cough. She kept coughing until a small clear stone came out of her throat. She looked repulsed at the sight of the saliva covered piece of rock, or at least it looked like rock. Sakura turned to face Nagisa and saw the gem and ducked down to Nagisa. "Are you ok?" She asked gently placing her hand on her back. "I think so" Nagisa said as she wiped her mouth almost forgetting the battle that was happening around her.

The boys had taken a pounding from the girls but they weren't left unscratched either. Iris's shield growing weaker and weaker with each hit it endured. "I can't fight them and keep the shield up for ugh much longer" Iris's said struggling to to keep her sword steady. "Shouldn't we" Kimberly started followed by a grunt. "Transform" she said while using her power to hold one of the boys down. "Your right" Iris said letting go of her control over the shield. "STAR ANIS" They all screamed in unison. The judges surprised at their ability to transform at a mere fourteen years of age. The boys were impressed but didn't draw back.

"You think a change in outfit will let you beat us?" James said confident and teasing. "Why you!" Amber screamed out as she shot an attack at James. It had direct impact, knocking him back a couple feet to the ground. With a confident look Kimberly ran toward one of them. He laughed at the sight of her bolting toward him. "Raging Punch!" He screamed as his attack landed on a now scrapped Kimberly. He grabbed the back of her shirt launching her to the border making her desintegrate into a million particles.

"Looks like we have our first elimination folks" the announcer said through the speakers. "Girls were gonna have to work extra hard" Iris said while swinging her sword. "Fire Beam!" Amber said as the attack eliminated one of the guys. A loud horn was heard to indicate the elimination. At the sight of his teammates loss James darted toward Nagisa. "Not today!" Amber screamed as she and Sakura created a human border around Nagisa. "Ignis sphearem!" Amber screamed as the magical circumference appeared at her and Sakura's feet. James teleported away swapping with one of his mates. Leaving the one who teleported to take the hit.

"Tend to her" Amber said to a kneeling down Nagisa. While Sakura talked to her Amber joined Iris defending them. Iris grunted as she pulled back her sword causing the bell to ring once more. "Yeah!" Iris said as she high fived Amber. In their distraction the guy closest to Sakura attacked. "No!" Amber screamed as she took the hit. Eliminating her on impact. Sakura turned around enraged at the sight of her fallen Comrad. "Why you!" Sakura screamed as leaves and branches came in through the open windows of the stadium. "Naturae sphearem!" She screamed as it made impact.

The guy fell to the ground, but managed to attack Sakura. She hit the wall eliminating herself. "Only 2 left on each team" The announcer said. "You can't possibly beat both of us and keep  her safe" James said pointing at Nagisa. "I can and will!" Iris said darting toward the other guy. He seamed easy enough, all she had to do was push him to the wall and hold h there and the field will do the rest. "Are you afraid of sharp objects?" She said as she proceeded with her new plan and eliminated him. It was two vs one. This should be easy, fighting one of them. It would be better than single handedly defeat all five of them. She knew she was alone in this one, Nagisa didn't seem like she was the fighting type. This was proven right when James launched him self at Iris and Nagisa ducked back.

    "I thought you wee supposed to be some advanced student, but I guess rumors don't hold that much weight when your out on the field" he said raking his hand through his hair. "Next time leave the shampoo commercial outside the arena" Iris said as she swung her sword. "So she's feisty" he said avoiding the sword. "You grow thick skin-" she said as she landed a hit. "- Being a girl" His gaze tightened as if try to root her in place. Like if the word "girl" hurt him a little more than the other insults. With a swift kick she was on her back. He darted upward as if to keep up a front. "Don't you know it's mean to hit a lady?" she said as she got up. "Don't you know it's mean to push at a mans ego?" He said as he got closer.

    Their words echoed in the distance as Nagisa made up a plan in her mind, about how she would outsmart him o-or even persuade him to let her win. But all of those fantasies came crashing down at the sight of her friend falling again and being pinned down. "Iris!" Nagisa yelled, the only words that could come out of her mouth - or rather the only thought she could compose at the sight of the battle. "Why do I have to be so useless" Nagisa thought to herself.  While she was in her own little dream world, more like haunting cloud of nightmares; Iris managed to kick between his legs allowing her to get back up.

    She had put up the best fight, but even heroes  get tiered sometimes. After fifteen minutes of battling Iris's energy was starting to fade, no amount of coffee could save her from this horror. The sight of her comrades own weapon being used against her... HER OWN WEAPON USED AGAINST HER! Nagisa realized the sight she was beholding. Iris sword was pressed against her neck. "I'm sorry" Iris chocked out before disappearing. A hot came to signalize the fall of yet another partner. This time. This time she was screwed, she was alone, with no magic, no ability to fight whatsoever and left with this eleventh grade beast of a boy. Can her luck get any worse.

    "Come here little human" James said. "How dare you eliminate my friends in such a grotesque way! Is that the only way you know how to fight!" Nagisa screamed as she started glowing magenta again. "I don't care if I'm helpless, I will not go down without a fight!" She said as a circle of purple magenta swirls appeared below her. "I can do this!" She thought to herself as she raised her arms and a beam of light appeared covering her completely. The crowd was gasping at the sight a human using magic? That's unheard of, but here right I front of their eyes. "Folks it looks like Nagisa Tomoe is... Transforming?" He said as the beam got brighter. "WHAT!" Hanako  screamed gripping the sides of her chair.  "That's just- impossible!" She screamed out. A mixture of gasps and screams and silence filled the arena as Nagisa emerged from the beam of light.

    Her clothes were different and her expression was also different. The determination was undeniably present. "BUT- BUT You're a HUMAN!" James screamed taking a step back. Stepping forward Nagisa admired her own transformation. "I will not let this end like this" She said as the circle of swirls appears again beneath her feat. As she teased her arms, his time three swirling beams came around her and joined at the top of her hands glowing brighter and brighter. "This is just a piece of what I'm capable of!" Nagisa screamed as she attacked James. It was an instant elimination. Everyone gasped at the sight of such an historic event. The first human to use magic. Gasping for air Nagisa started to see white dots in her vision, the world started to spin and she fainted.

    The arenas border fell as the battle was over. Shisuma then noticed Kaede and Hanko get up from their seats. They'd noticed it too. Kaede walked outside while Hanako and her friends cjarged toward the fainted Nagisa. Shisuma jumped into the arena to protect Nagisa. "Just let us have her and we won't harm you" Hanako said. "No back away and I won't harm you" Shisuma said covering Nagisa. Then he others appeared. "What's wrong?" Iris asked "Protect Nagisa" Shisuma said as she ran after Kaede.

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