Breaking News! : The Beta Break In

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   Nagisa opened her eyes by the sunlight peaking through her hotel room blinds. She sat up on the bed and rubbed her eyelids. "Morning already?" She said as she grabbed her phone from the night stand. She pressed the pressed the home button on her phone revealing the time.

--- 9:00 AM ---

   She removed the covers from her body and got out of bed. She walked up to the enormous window facing the bed. She grabbed the curtains and opened them. A giant burst of light filled up the previously dim room. With her phone in hand she walked to the bathroom and proceded to do her morning rituals.

   Once she was done with her morning shower she sat on the vanity and got ready for the day. She was all done outfit and everything. Nagisa then laced up her platform boots Iris had gave her when for her birth day. All laced up she walked out her room to the shared area of the suite. She noticed that no one was up besides her. She walked over to a couch facing another big window.

   Nagisa then unlocked her phone and checked her various social media accounts. After a while she started to get a little hungry. She walked over to the mini kitchen and opened the fridge. The sudden breeze of cold air was refreshing to her. She took out leftovers from the night before. Nagisa then went to the table to eat the other half of her B.L.T. while she went over there through the window she noticed a ton of  news vans driving in the direction of Beta.

   Grabbing the remote Nagisa turned on the T.V int the quote on quote living room. It was on  the new channel. It took a while for her to process what the news was talking about. Munching away Nagisa ate her food until the news reporter started talking again. "Today we are here with miss Kaede Katayama" The reported said. Nagisa's eyes widened as she looked up at the screen.

"Miss what exactly did you see?"

  "I saw 5 girls from a Magic or fighting school break in to my school"

"Wow! Miss what happened"

"They broke in through the only window with a hatch and went in to my office, i know they were in there because they used the vent in there to escape"

"Interesting, tell us more"

"Gladly, the magic level they possessed was far to high to come from a regular burglar, that's why i know it came from students"

"That's a tragedy that happened to you miss Katayama, but what do you think they were after"

"I dunno, iv'e got nothing to hide"

"Thank you miss Kaede. This Margret with your morning news"

   At the end of the report they played a clip of them escaping. By that point Nagisa was so nervous that she turned off the T.V and went on her phone. and right away she was burdened by messages from her classmates who had seen the news. Nagisa was already nervous that just added to it. Every news site reporting the "Beta Break In". Each one had picture her in her cloak putting up the shield in front of Kaede.

   She locked her phone and ran to Iris's room. She banged on the door and no answer. Nagisa opened the door rapidly. A very sleepy Iris stared back at her. "What!" Iris said annoyed. "Look at your phone and the news" Nagisa said pointing to the night stand. "9:45! why so early!" Iris complained. "Just do it!" Nagisa said pulling Iris out of bed.

   "Ok, ok" Iris budged and got up. She walked over to the night stand and turned her phone on. "What's your first notification?" Nagisa said hovering over Iris's phone. "Get free pads for life" Iris said annoyed. " read further down" Nagisa said. "Were you at the break in last NIGHT!" Iris read as she got progressively louder. "WHAT!" Iris said Boiling. "Do THEY know?" Iris asked. "No one actually knows only we do" Nagisa said to Iris. "I heard later on that she's headed to the school like we read" Nagisa said

   "We gotta go there, wake the others up i'm gonna get ready" Iris said running to the bathroom. Nagisa then also ran out of the room to the other girls rooms. "Kim get up!" Nagisa said tugging in her sheets.She did this to everyone but no one woke up. Nagisa gave up. She walked over to the big window and noticed something off. Nagisa gasped. "That's a Beta car with Kaede, Hanako and the other girls!" She said to herself.

  Nagisa ran back to Iris's room. She ran in and headed to the bathroom door. "HURRY!" Nagisa yelled while banging on the door. "I'm going as fast as i can!" Iris yelled. Nagisa then started to think about all the horrible things that could be done to the school, like burning down the library or hurting the headmistress even worse claiming the school. In that moment Nagisa knew it was up to her to defend the school even though her magic was limited.

   She ran to her room, grabbed her bag with the spell book in it, grabbed the room key and bolted out the door to the school. After a while Iris walked out of the shower and woke the others up. She quickly noticed that Nagisa was no where to be found. Nagisa ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She took every single short cut to get to the school quicker.

   After some minutes of running she ducked under some bushes and noticed Kaede getting out of the car. A guard was waiting for her by the main entrance. Nagisa followed the bushes until she saw Hanako and the other girls enter trough a back door. Nagisa swiftly entered through the teachers parking lot. Right away she was greeted by a desk with no one in it.

  Nagisa ducked behind it carefully peeking through the corner to see where Hanako was. She noticed Hanako, Aliyah and Denise walk past the main stairs. Nagisa slowly crawled her way to the glass door that was the entrance to the teacher's lounge. Hanako was pretty far away, far away enough to where it was safe for Nagisa to leave until she saw Shisuma and Kaede walking up the main stairs.

   Nagisa froze up. Shisuma and Kaede walked up stairs to what Nagisa assumed would be the conference room. After that Nagisa ran behind Hanako. Nagisa Noticed Hanako was walking toward the Library again. Nagisa ducked behind a column. 

--- Hanako's P.O.V ---  

   She walked up the Library's front door. Hanako quickly noticed it was locked. "Aliyah, Denise stand back" Hanako made the motion with her hands similar to the one Iris and the others had made. "Tenebris Sphaeram!" Hanako cast the spell and opened the doors ver rapidly. "Let's go in" Hanako said while entering the knowledge filled room.

--- Nagisa's P.O.V ---

   Nagisa was amazed by what she just saw. "She can do that too?" Nagisa thought to herself. She got up and walked toward the door. She turned her head to look inside the room. Right away Nagisa saw them standing on the middle podium. Nagisa couldn't tell what they were searching up so she walked in and got closer avoiding being noticed.

   "Magic Domain" Hanako said to the voice recognition. Nagisa turned to her purse and got out her phone. She started to record the search. "Please insert your student ID" The robotic voice said. "MAGIC DOMAIN!" Hanako screamed at the voice. "Please insert your student ID" The robotic voice said again. Hanako broke. She held out her hand creating an orb of electricity. Hanako rushed her arm to the slot where you insert the ID.

   Nagisa was amazed by the magic Hanako possessed. The holographic screen glitched and turned grey. "Searching Magic domain" the voice said. A ton of books started to fly around them. "Maggicun dio,m andnc" The voice glitched and shut off. "GRAAH!" Hanako screamed. "Calm down Hanako were gonna get caught" Denise said. Nagisa stopped recording and put her phone away.

   Once Nagisa put her bag on her back. Suddenly she found her hand getting tied up. "Hugh?" Nagisa said. "Ha you think we didn't see you?" Hanako said. "Let me go!" Nagisa said. "Aw NO!" Hanako said pushing Nagisa to the ground. "You don't have your friends to save you now" Hanako said laughing in Nagisa's face. With her free hand Nagisa pressed her wrist thinking her communicator was there.

   "Boohoo so sad you left your communicator" Hanako said. Then Hanako tied up Nagisa other hand. "WALK!" Hanako yelled. Nagisa got up and followed Hanako. She was lead all the way tho the mezzanine. There she took Nagisa to a small room and locked her there. "What am i going to do!" Nagisa thought to her self.

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