Beta: School of the Gifted

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---- 7:00 PM ----

   The girls, after they finished their dinner they went back to the giant room. "Get ready girls! Showtime!" Iris said referring to their plan to go to Beta. They took subtle inspiration from Hanako's outfit, They all wore dark ponchos. Iris wore a dark blue cloak that was held above her chest by her brooch. Sakura and Amber wore similar attire , with dark pink and red respectively. Nagisa and Kimberly wore the exact same back cloak but it was held by a button.

   They made a swift exit through the rooftop exit of the hotel. "Are you ready?" Iris said getting a running start to jump to the next building. "I hope gym class pays off" Kim said following Iris. The other girls jumped as well. Nagisa took a deep breath and stepped back. She looked up and breathed deep again. She gazed upon the others waiting for her on the building over.

   She started to run rapidly to the edge of the 20 story building. She Closed her eyes and jumped. When she was in mid air she opened her eyes to see where she would land. She ducked and rolled on to the next door building. "You feel ok?" Iris asked.  Nagisa looked up at Iris from being crouched down. "I guess?" Nagisa replied with her hand on Iris's shoulder. "Great only 50 more times!" Iris said with joy as she rand to the next building.

   Nagisa rolled her eyes and sighed. She then saw everyone else jumping so she followed al the way to beta. By that point Nagisa was out of breath and so was Kimberly. They are on the roof of the last building before the gates of Beta. Their cloaked flowed in the night wind. Nagisa glanced upward from catching her breath.

   "That's Beta?" Nagisa asked. "I guess so" Iris said looking at the middle building. "How will we get in?" Nagisa asked. Amber flipped her bag to the front and opened it. The pulled out a tablet about the size of a notebook and she placed it in the middle of their circle. Nagisa watched as Amber pressed the screen on her watch a couple times. She quickly looked down at the tablet when it started glowing.

   A holographic map appeared from her tablet showing the map of beta. "I downloaded several maps of Beta so that we could find the best point of entry" Amber said swiping on her watch screen. "What are we looking for exactly?" Kim asked. "Any sign of an attack or plan" Iris said. Tapping forcefully on her small screen Amber shut down the hologram. She crouched down to pick up the tablet. Once she got back up she tucked it back in her purse.

   "Nagisa, Kim take these" Amber said holding out  Purple and Pink smart watches like the one she had. "Wow!" Nagisa said while putting her on. "They're communicators that sink to your phone and the Internet" Iris said showing her Ice blue colored one. "Later i'll give you a run down of what it can do but right now all you would need is on this screen" Amber said tapping one Nagisa's watch.

   "To enter we should use the 6th hall window" Amber said pointing to a picture on her watch. "Let's go!" Iris said jumping down to ground level. The girls followed shortly after. They walked along the perimeter of the school until they found their entrance, a small crack in the brick fence. "Stand back girls" Iris said holding her hands together at her wrist. Then separating them to be  slightly in front of her chest.

   "Ice sphaeram" Iris said as a small circle appeared in front of her hands. "Ice diamond!" she said as an ice diamond shot from the center of the circle to the crack on the wall. On impact the crystal made the wall crack even more making a small hole in the process. "Bingo!" Iris said looking at the small hole she had created. She aimed again at the hole. "Ice Diamond Explosion!" She said a diamond shot out of the middle of the circle again only this time it was on the hole.

They all stepped back. Suddenly the small diamond exploded creating a much larger hole in the wall. "Let's go in" Iris said walking in. Once they all walk in Amber looked down at her watch. "According to the map the 6th hall is... that one" She said pointing to a building. She tapped on her screen to shut the hologram off. After that they all walk over to the building.

Amber then pointed to the window for their entry. "Here it is. It's the only window with a hinge to unlock it" Amber said pointing at the hinge on the window. "How will we get in it's locked from the inside" Nagisa said. "Well with a little magic" Amber said. She made the same action with her hands as Iris did only her speech was different. "Ignis sphaeram" Amber said as the same circle appeared in front of her hands except hers was red while Iris's was light blue. 

   "Heat wave!" she yelled as she concentrated the heat on the hinge. In a matter of seconds the hinge melted off, along with the locking mechanisms. Once it melted off Amber reached below the glass and popped open the window. They all hop up to enter. Amber then closed the window without locking so that they could leave through it as well.

   "Is everyone cloaked?" Iris asked. "Yeah" they responded. "Remember to conceal your brooches" Sakura said. They walked down a very long hallway, it was decorated with drawing and frames. Each door they passed was exactly the same as the last. Small cubby style lockers furbished the walls between each door. they walked for a while crossing other turns but still went forward.

   They all walked to what seemed to be the center of the building. Nagisa looked straight at a weird looking elevator. It was glass but surrounded by stairs all the way up. While Nagisa followed with her vision the large spiral stairs, she noticed the magnitude of said building. She noticed a landing on the top of the stairs that lead to a door. "My map said the door should be around here somewhere.

   Nagisa tapped on Amber's shoulder and pointed to the door at the top of the stairs. "Let's go" Sakura said pointing at the elevator. She walked up to it and pressed the ^ button. It lit up green as the doors opened. They all walk in with their heads pointed down and their hands above their brooches. Once to the top, they exited the elevator and opened the door. The other side of the door revealed a glass passage way like the ones in Omega leading to the center of another building.

   "Were on the right track" Amber said pointing to the other door. They started walking and Nagisa pulled out her phone from the pouch in her cloak. She started to take pictures of what she could see out the windows and pasting them in a collage style board with text correlating to the pictures next to them. Once they reached the other door Nagisa tucked her phone back away.

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