The Entrance card

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--- Iris's  P.O.V ---

   She walked up to the class and took her seat next to her friends. "What happened last night, with Nagisa?" Kim said while leaning toward Iris's ear. "She had a fight with her mom, she's at my place" Iris whispered back. Iris turned her gaze to the front of class to her teacher. "Good morning class"  he said. "Good Morning Aki-sensei!" They all replied in unison. "Well class today i have an announcement" He said walking to the foot of the stadium like stairs.

   "The end of the year school tournament is on Monday!" He said. The whole class started clapping in joy. "By the end of class please write your team name and their members in a card and place it in this pox" He said patting the top of the box. "You may continue your school research from yesterday, Class Dismissed" He said while walking toward his office n the corner."Should we enter?" Iris said turning to face the girls. "Yeah, we can show them what the middle school program taught us" Amber said. Sakura and Kim agreed. 

   Turning to her bag Kimberly pulled out a paper and pen to write down their entry. "I'll go" Amber said getting up with the paper. While amber was making the line Kimberly heard her text alert go off. Picking up her phone she saw Nagisa's message on her lock screen. Kimberly then swiped up to unlock her phone. "Are we still up for training after school?" The message read. Kimberly hesitated but then started typing.

   "I'm sorry, I have to do something else" Kim texted back. "Oh, it's fine, 'll find other errands" Nagisa replied. After reading the message Kimberly pressed the shutter button making her phone screen go black. "I'm back, we should go to that tree and continue the research of nature combat" Amber said. "Yeah lets go" Iris said as they all walked out of the row of seats. Almost out the door Kim searched for her gum packed.

   "Oh guys wait i think i dropped my gum, gimme a sec" Kim said walking back. The classroom was empty except for someone in a black hoodie. "There you are" Kimberly said ducking down to pick it up. once she got it she looked over at the person in the hoodie and noticed they were using magic to take a paper out of the entrance box. Out of instinct Kim pulled out her hone and recorded the whole thing.

   She noticed they took out a card and put one back in. After they proceeded to tear the other card to small pieces and tuck it in to the pocked of their hoodie. Once the figure left the class room Kimberly ran out the top door. When they heard the door open they all turned to face Kim. "What happened to you?" Sakura asked "You look like you saw a ghost" Iris said. Kim extended her phone with the video playing. Iris took the phone and pressed play.

   "Wow, why would they take out a paper and put one back in?" Iris asked. "Maybe sabotage" Amber clarified. "Sabotage for what entering a contest?" Sakura joined. "Who knows" Kim said. "It seams kind of sketchy" Iris said while handing Kimberly her phone back. "Yeah i know but we shouldn't get involved" Amber stated. They all started walking away toward the main courtyard.


   "Should we train for the tournament?" Kim asked as she tucked her skirt under herself. "I mean we are the new ones here" She said sitting on a bench surrounding the main cherry blossom tree. "We should, she does have a point" Amber said sitting down next to Kimberly. Iris and Sakura joined by seating next to them. "It sounds like a great idea but it has one major flaw" Iris said turning on the bench to face the girls

   "Go on" Kimberly said. "We don't know how any of them fight, plus we don't know if we will fight together as a team or individually" Iris said. "Hmm, that is a pretty big flaw" Amber said. "We can discuss this later, we should be focusing on training Kim" Sakura said as she gestured at Kimberly. "True, even if were fighting as a team you should be able to keep up" Iris said. "I guess i can, i blew off training with Nagisa like we always did" Kim said disappointed in herself. "Then we should train after school" Iris said. 

   A loud screech was heard through the school speakers. They all covered their ears in response. "Students due to preparations for the Monday all lasses have been dismissed for the rest of the day, enjoy your Friday. Oh may the students Iris Montella, Sakura Higawara, Kimberly Anderson and Amber Hironoka come to the office" May said over the speakers. "That's our cue to go" Kimberly said walking to corridor connecting the courtyard to the offices. "Damn Let's go" Iris said walking behind her.


   Grabbing her phone from the nightstand Nagisa walked out of the guest room. "Hey, so are you ready for tonight?" Iris's mom asked. " Why, whats tonight?" Nagisa asked. "The concert silly" Nagisa walked over to the kitchen where Iris's mom was. "What concert" Nagisa asked leaning against the counter top. "The one for twin, twin stars" She said. "Twin Hearts?" Nagisa asked. "Yes that one, Iris bought tickets" She said. "Guess i'm not invited then" Nagisa said "I wasn't told anything"

   "Oh, but Iris said about going with her friends, that includes you right?" She asked. "Guess not" Nagisa said walking over to the front door. "I'm gonna go run a few errands need anything?" Nagisa asked. "Um- Olive oil and chives" She said reaching for her wallet. "No please, you're making dinner, this is the least i can do" Nagisa said grabbing her jacket and purse from the mud room. "Be back in about 20 minutes" Nagisa said closing the door behind her.

   Digging through her purse Nagisa finally found her keys. Her car beeped as she pressed the unlock button. Once she got in she placed the key fob in the middle tray and pressed the start button. Looking both ways she drove off to the school library to finish her chat with Naveyah. "What are these girls planning?" Nagisa said to herself while turning on to the main road. While driving the console screen started ringing indicating an incoming call.

   She tapped on the screen answering the call. "Hello?" Iris said. "Yes?" Nagisa replied. "You got plans tonight?" Iris asked. "No" Nagisa said changing lanes. "Well me and the girls are going to go to -" Iris said when Nagisa cut her off. "Your fake Twin Hearts concert, you and i both know they are not touring here anytime soon" Nagisa said. "So what were you planning" Nagisa asked. "Well, we were planing on going to beta and look at the list of the students participating in the tournament" Iris said.

   "If you planned this why not tell me this morning, now your moms upset" Nagisa said pulling up to the turn before the school. "Well are you coming?" Iris asked. "Do you want me to i dunno if i can keep up now that all of you can transform" Nagisa said in a mocking tone waiting at a stoplight. "Think about it and text me, I have to go to the office right now bye" Iris said. "Bye" Nagisa said hanging up. Once the light turned green Nagisa turned on to the school road. Driving up to the entrance she got out her parking card and inserted it into the small slot.

   Once her car was locked she walked inside toward the library. Once in she headed directly for the entrance. "Back for more i see" Hanako said when Nagisa placed her hand on the knob. Nagisa was startled. "How are you in here?" Nagisa asked. "No one knows" Hanako clarified. "It would be awful if I told on you being here, wouldn't it?" Nagisa said getting petty. "if you wanna be petty so can I, It would be bad if I said anything about you entering the forbidden area" Hanako said crossing her arms.

   "If you leave I leave" Nagisa said. "Fine" Hanako said teleporting away. Nagisa then walked out of the library and headed toward the stadium where Aki teaches.

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