The Drive to school

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  ---NOTE: --- In this story the characters are 1.2 times the age they say, making Nagisa 16 years old  ---

 Nagisa was woken up by the sound of her alarm. She tapped the screen of her phone to make it stop. She glanced at her screen flashing --- 6:30 Am. --- She uncovered her self and got out of bed and walked over to her bathroom. Turning on the lights she got ready for her shower. Once done she went  over to her closet where she put on her uniform.

   After lacing up her school shoes she grabbed her phone and headed downstairs. By the time sh was down there her phone buzzed with a text message. It was her mom. "Be home late sweetie foods in the fridge, love you mom" Her mom wrote. "Like always" Nagisa said placing her phone on the counter top. 

   Nagisa opened the fridge and pulled out a jug of plain Yogurt. She poured some in a cup. She walked over to another side of the kitchen where the granola, cookies and dried fruit jars were on the counter. She pulled the granola jar and the cookie jar in front of her. She added both to the cup and put the jars back. Sealing in the yogurt with a lid with blades she placed it in to a single serve blender.

   After a couple of minutes her everyday breakfast was served. She poured the mixture on to a bowl with strawberries. She picked up the plate and sat at the kitchen island. While eating her yogurt she scrolled through her social media. Looking at her Notifications she was sent to was video sent a link to a recording of the day before's news broadcast.

   "Injured students from Omega Academy" The Headline read. Nagisa seamed a little confuse by the wording used in this broadcast. Words like "defenseless" and "fearful" were thrown around to describe her. Nagisa felt a bit offended because she was neither of those things. Once she finished her breakfast she washed her dishes. Nagisa then walked up the stairs and did her makeup. 

   After she was done she looked at the time --- 7:30 Am. ---  Nagisa put away her brushes and grabbed her bag. She Walked down both flights of stairs to the garage/ laundry. She grabbed her keys from a bowl in a table by the door. She walked outside and locked the door behind her. Staring back at her was her moms second car. She pressed the unlock button on the keys and got in.

    She placed her phone on a phone holder in the car. After buckling up Nagisa pressed a button on the car's screen to pair her phone to the car. Afterward she started backing out of her small apartment driveway. Now on course to school Nagisa turned on the radio. All they were talking about were the events that occurred the day before. She kept listening to other peoples opinions on what happened getting slightly irritated.

   After a while she arrived at school. Pulling up to the building she drove into the student parking. She inserted her student id into the machine that let her in. Nagisa parked on the parking that matched her id number. She got out of her car and walked to the parking entrance. Once she entered her friends Caesar, Henry and Emily were waiting in line for coffee when they noticed she was there.

   "Nagisa over here" Emily said waving to her. Nagisa walked toward them with her purse on her shoulder. "Hey guys, how was your Spring break?" Nagisa asked. "Definitely not   as exiting as yours" Henry replied. "Heh so you heard?" Nagisa asked embarrassed. "How could we not, you were all over the news" Caesar replied. "Not to mention everyone is talking about it here" Emily said. "We were tagged to so many articles this morning it's not even funny" Caesar said

   "i'm surprised how fast you healed considering, you know the whole human thing" Emily said. "Yeah i heal pretty fast, it's always been a talent of mine" Nagisa said. "Next!" The Barista said. "Ooh my turn" Caesar said walking over to the young lady. Nagisa kept talking while Caesar said his order. One by one they finished ordering and got a table together. Nagisa got our her tablet and scrolled through the press articles.

   Sipping his coffee Caesar noticed Nagisa seemed worried. "You look worried sweetheart, whats wrong?" Caesar asked a very worried Nagisa. "Am- Am I defenseless to you guys?" Nagisa asked the other three. "Not at all" "Nope" "Don't think so" They all replied. "Ah but it seems as though the press doesn't see it that way. Emily said pointing at a headline. After they finished their coffee the bell rang.

--- Bell ---

   They were all ready to head to their classes until the intercom started beeping. "May miss Nagisa Tomoe come to the principals office?" May said through the speakers. Nagisa was even more worried. Emily noticed this and walked up to Nagisa. "Go get them!" She said as she placed her hand on Nagisa's shoulder. Nagisa nod and walked toward the office.

   On the way there every one was staring at her like if she was some sort of alien. "Is something stuck to me, Am I dirty?" Nagisa thought. She could hear other people commenting about her. Their loud chatter was to loud to distinguish so she kept walking. She arrived at the principals office with sweaty palms. Swallowing her pride she knocked on the door and waited for a response. The door was opened and May was standing on the other side.

   She gestured to walk in, so Nagisa entered. "Miss Shisuma will be with you shortly" May said while walking toward her office. Nagisa sat down in the little waiting room decorated with awards and pictures of the schools best students. Hearing footsteps Nagisa began to sweat. "Follow me" May said to Nagisa. She got up and followed. She was lead to a door where she was instructed to knock. "Come in" Shisuma said

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