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   Nagisa walked in the office and was greeted by Shisuma. "Please take a seat" Nagisa sat down on one of the white chairs by the desk. Like last time Shisuma took a tray with a kettle and two cups. "Would you like a cup?" Shisuma asked Nagisa. "Please" Nagisa replied. Shisuma poured a cup of rose tea and placed it in front of Nagisa. Afterward she poured herself a cup. While taking a sip Shisuma sat down on her chair.

"The reason I called you here was to check up on you" Shisuma said placing her cup on a small plate with an indent for the cup to rest. Nagisa placed down her cup also. "Why?" She asked Shisuma confused. "Well, when May notified me that your ID had been used this morning to enter the parking lot, I won't lie I was concerned for your wellbeing" Shisuma said interlocking her hands. "But I'm fine, I can walk and talk and breathe just fine" Nagisa said.

Shisuma crossed her legs and got serious. "Miss Nagisa, I don't mean to be offensive in the slightest but, you know you are human, right?" Shisuma asked Nagisa with a serious look in her eyes. "Yes? But what does this have to do with anything?" Nagisa asked intrigued. "You see, our courses here at Omega are specialized courses, for magic users" Shisuma said trying to see if Nagisa understood. "But, I can use magic" Nagisa said defensively.

"Yes, I'm aware and I know most humans are incapable of using magic but, you somehow managed to pass the entrance exam yet you couldn't use magic until recently" Shisuma said questioning her. "Are you implying I cheated?" Nagisa said alarmed. Shisuma then pulled out a folder with copies of Nagisa's exam results. She opened it and showed it to Nagisa. "I'm not implying anything but the result of your entrance exam doesn't match your results in lower level class exams" Shisuma said pointing to the evidence in the folder.

   Nagisa looked down at the test results and the comparison to the entrance exam. "I- I don't know what to answer but i didn't cheat" She said looking up at Shisuma and handing her the folder. Shisuma took the folder and put it back in a drawer in her desk. "Ok, then if you didn't cheat someone must have tampered with your initial result to guarantee your entrance into the school" Shisuma said to Nagisa. "Do you have any friends that wanted you to enter?" Shisuma asked. Nagisa's eyes widened and tears started to form. Shisuma noticed this and handed her a box of tissues.

"Miss Nagisa you're an excellent student at other courses like music and art, just not magic 101" Shisuma said to a close to crying Nagisa. Shisuma got up from her chair and went over to Nagisa. Nagisa stood up and hugged Shisuma. After they finished hugging Nagisa wiped her tears off. Shisuma turned around and handed Nagisa a small paper. "This paper excuses you from your magic classes for the next couple of weeks until this is resolved, but until further notice you won't be able to participate in magic activities"

Nagisa left the office and walked back to the main hall. Everyone there was looking at her. She couldn't figure out why they were all staring. She started walking to her magic 101 class. She arrived by the door. She opened it and walked in. All the students in the class turned to look at her. The teacher stood up and adjusted her blazer. "Miss Tomoe you are 25 minutes late!" The teacher said looking at her watch. Nagisa walked down the small arena's stairs to the teacher.

"Care to explain?" The teacher asked. Everyone in the class was silent, they wanted to hear what Nagisa would reply. "I'm sorry teacher" Nagisa said handing her the paper Shisuma had given her. The teacher read the paper and widened her eyes at the words that were written on it. "CHEAT!" She screamed. The whole classroom gasped. "Well why would you, No way!" The teacher said. "Miss Taylor, I didn't but I'm going to find out who did" Nagisa replied to the teacher.

"Well at least you're ok" Miss Taylor replied to Nagisa. Miss Taylor took the paper and signed it at the bottom. "Here you go sweetie" The teacher handed Nagisa the paper. Nagisa turned around to walk back up the stairs. After she was out of the class room she ran into Caesar and Emily. "Hey what happened?" Emily asked. Nagisa handed the paper to Emily so she could read it. "Yikes, Accusing you of cheating. That's terrible!" Emily said. "Now I basically can't come to school.

"Why?" Caesar asked. "I already finished art and music" Nagisa asked. "What about combat and gymnastics?" Emily asked. "They tailor to what you learn in magic 101" Nagisa replied with sadness in her words. "And potion brewing?" Caesar asked. "That's on hold because the teacher is gonna help investigate the test grounds to see if i cheated or not" Nagisa answered. "What will you do?" Caesar asked while looking t the paper. "I don't know because i don't have anything to do" Nagisa said.

--- 12:00 Pm ---

"SUSPENDED?!" Iris yelled. "What do you mean suspended, she couldn't be!" Amber said. The paper was passed around so much that it was getting wrinkled. They were all in aw because they couldn't believe what Nagisa was being accused of. "Do you have any classes?" Sakura asked. "No all of my classes were canceled" Kim got up of the lunchroom chair and hugged Nagisa. "But hey I have to leave in about 10 minutes because, then they will take my ID away" Nagisa said. She said goodbye to her friends and headed off.

Nagisa walked toward the door to the parking lot so she could go home. Once she was close to her car she heard someone running behind her. "Nagisa!" Iris yelled Nagisa turned around to see Iris out of breath. "I have to tell you something" Iris said gasping for air. "What is something wrong?" Nagisa asked. "Kind of, I'm so, so, so, so, sorry" Iris said. "For what?" Nagisa asked while helping Iris catch her breath. "I-- I" Iris couldn't get the words out. "You what?" Nagisa asked impatient.

"I, tampered with your exam" Iris said tearing up. "YOU WHAT!" Nagisa screamed. "I just wanted us to take classes together with our friends. "But STILL!" Nagisa got angry. "I wanted to tell you but i couldn't bring myself to do so" She said crying. Iris tried to calm Nagisa down but failed. "So, your telling me I'm expelled because of YOU!" Nagisa screamed. "Please Nagisa you got to understand" Iris said. "Wow, not even my own best friend thinks i can enter a school, forget about even defending myself!" Nagisa said as she got in her car.

By this point The other girls were in the lot too and got angry at Iris for what she had done. Nagisa drove away fast toward her house. While driving Nagisa was crying a lot because of what had happened.

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