Queens and Kingdoms

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Walking over to her desk Nagisa picked up her phone. On her lock screen she saw a missed text from Iris. "Arrived at school, gonna text you if anything happens" Nagisa read as she blocked her phone. While holding it she thought about that Naveyah character. "Who could this woman be, and why as that queen angry at her?" Nagisa though to herself. Walking out of her room she saw a orange sticky note on the counter."Please return these" The note read. Under it was a stack of books. "Guess I'm going to the library, that's not so bad I guess" She though to her self.


Entering the coffeehouse bookstore duo she was greeted by a worker. "Welcome to the RiverSide Library, How may I help you?" The kind woman asked. "Yes, hi my mom asked me to return these, so that's what I'm here to do" Nagisa replied holding the books. "Yes, of course the return desk is over by the RiverBurg history section" The woman said as she pointed at the desk. The woman offered a gentle smile as she went back to what she was doing. Nagisa returned it as she walked up some steps.

"I wonder if they have anything about Naveyah?" Nagisa thought to herself. Arriving at the desk she was greeted by another worker, this time a younger man closer to her age. "Hey, return i assume" He said with a warm smile. "Yep" Nagisa replied placing the small stack of book on the desk. "Are these yours?" He asked as he was scanning them. "No, my mom borrowed them" She said while taking out her library card. "Card please" he said extending his hand. She gently placed it on his hand waiting for it back.

"Thank you for using your local library miss... Tomoe" He said. "Oh please Miss Tomoe is my mom, I'm Nagisa" She said extending her hand for a greeting. "I'm Alan" He said shaking her hand. "Well it was nice meeting you" She said. "Same here" He said as she walked away. Walking toward the Haven's Glen History isle she stumbled across a book. Nagisa then ducked down to pick it up.

"Queens and Kingdoms by Timothy Grey" She read out loud. After opening it she flipped through the pages. "Bingo" She said as she landed on a page titled. "Naveyah Rosea" She read. Nagisa walked over to the main desk. "I would like to rent this book" Nagisa said placing it on the desk. "Card" The older woman said. Nagisa gave her the card and grabbed the book. "Thank's" Nagisa said when she received her card back.


Placing her keys in the bowl, Nagisa went up the stairs to her home. Locking the door behind her she was startled by a text. "We need to talk to you?" Kimberly's message read. "After school?" Nagisa replied back. While waiting she walked up stairs. "Yeah" The message read. Opening the door of her bedroom she placed the book on her bed. She walked over to her nightstand and placed her phone on the charging pad. "Time to read" She said putting her hair up.

She read and read and read until she finished. Flipping through the notes she took she decided to photo copy the book. She walked over to the home office on the second floor. Afterward Nagisa pinned the picture of the picture of Naveyah on her notes app. She placed the physical copies of the book in the hidden compartment of her desk drawer to make sure no one found it until she was certain of what she found. Turning around to look t her clock.

--- 3:00 PM ---

"Great i can go to the school now" She said grabbing her bag. Turning on her car she turned on the radio and backed out f her garage. "Attack at the Omega Academy" The reporter said. Nagisa's phone started to ring. Glancing down she noticed it was Iris. Pressing a button on her car, Nagisa took the call. "Nagisa are you listening to the news?" She asked. "Yeah, their talking about what happened last night" Nagisa replied. "But how did they find out?" Iris said worried.

"The news outlets always find a way of learning everything" Nagisa said turning a corner. "Your still gonna pick s up right?" Iris asked. "Yeah I'm on my way" Nagisa said. "Ok we will be waiting by the main fountain pickup. "Actually, i have to get something from the library, could you get it for me?" Nagisa asked. "Sure what do you need?" Iris said. "Any and all books about Naveyah Rosea and the queen of Voltare." Nagisa said. "Ok?" She replied as she hung up.


Driving up to the fountain she saw the girls standing in front of the school. The doors to her car opened at the same time. Sitting in the front seat, Iris placed the books between the dashboard and her seat. While driving Nagisa glanced at the stack of books. "How many are there?" Nagisa asked. "15" Iris said directly. "Thanks" Nagisa said while smiling. "What are the books for?" Amber asked.

"Umm independent research" Nagisa replied. "What type?, because their all about queens" Sakura said. "It's a secret" Nagisa said. They kept driving, the radio filling the emptiness of their conversation. "Where to?" Nagisa asked. "Uh my house" Iris said as if Nagisa knew what they were doing. "Ok" Nagisa said dropping them off at her house.

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