A Turn Of Events

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    Hanako and the girls passed  the entrance and walked toward the blue and yellow patterned seats that loop around the stadium. "Girls sit down and enjoy the show" Hanako said as she sat down. She laughed maniacally as she crossed  her legs. "What!" Caesar said. "Look" he said tapping  Emily's shoulder. "Hm?" She said as she turned around. "Why are they here?" Emily said. "Something has to be wrong" Nagisa said getting out her phone. "There's no one up next in the program" Nagisa said pointing to her phone. "Maybe their plan involves that" Emily said. "Well we're about to find out, look" he said pointing to the jumbo-tron. 

    "Welcome back from our break next up our final fight the big bad wolf of eleventh grade James Thrones" the announcer said lifting up the envelope a little followed by loud cheers from the crowd. "Wow someone's a crowd favorite. VS Nagisa Tomoe?" He said puzzled. "WHAT!" Nagisa yelled in anger and frustration. "It appears that there was a mistake in the printing because Nagisa Tomoe cannot compete" he said with the envelope still close to his face."It's no mistake. Nagisa Tomoe and Professor Aki please make way to the tournament entrance" Shisuma said through the stadium speakers. 

    "What in the actual F!" Nagisa yelled as she got out of her seat. She met halfway with Aki at the exit. Now outside of the stadium they started talking about the mistake. "It has to be a mistake, I wasn't signed up for this" Nagisa said gripping her phone tightly. "I know it's probably just an error" Aki said while opening the door for Nagisa. As they entered the room seemed tense, like horrible news had just struck. "It's no mistake" Shisuma said holding out the inscription paper. "Impossible" Nagisa said taking the paper. "I can't fight I'm suspended also that James is an experienced fighter" Nagisa said looking down at the paper. 

    "I understand but the board of members is in the audience, they don't know that you're human. You must fight!" Shisuma said pointing through the glass at the members. "Do you want me to get killed? There's no way I will make it out of that fight alive" Nagisa said crushing the paper between her fingertips. "The  stadium is protected with a magic aura that will stop you from getting hit" Shisuma said. "Fine but this is the fight everyone has been waiting for won't that... you know" Aki said gesturing with his hands. "Won't that what?" Nagisa said looking at Aki. "Nagisa  please follow May" Shisuma said pointing to the door with May standing next to it. After she exited Shisuma and Aki started discussing what would happen.

    "I know you've been training her. I don't care for what but she has to fight" Shisuma said with a  serious look. "Yes she's been training but not to fight magic! Shisuma don't you think your overestimating Nagisa?" Aki said firmly. "I understand that but I must find out!" Shisuma said turning to face the glass. "Find out what?" Aki said walking up next to her. "You see Kaede sitting there, she's looking for the person with the magic Domain" Shisuma said pointing at Kaede in the audience. "You seriously think Nagisa is that girl?" Aki said looking at Shisuma. "I don't know" She said. "You're basing this on possibility! You could scar that girl for life! Just because you're curious!" Aki said walking away. "Wait please! No" Shisuma said as the door closed behind Aki.


    Walking out of the room Nagisa's thoughts were running a mile a second. "What was Aki talking about?" Nagisa thought to herself. "I dunno" May answered. "Wait did i say that out loud?" Nagisa said while covering her mouth. "No, your thoughts are safely concealed to other people" May said. Nagisa exhaled in relief. "Except to me" May said. "Hugh, how?" Nagisa asked. "I can read minds" May said teasingly. "Now I'm unsure what to believe" Nagisa said defensively. "No, your aura is puzzled and that's what I can read. So i put two and two together and bam! was i correct?" May said giggling. "Surprisingly accurate" Nagisa said. They shared a laugh over the moment that just happened.    

    They walked into the prep room. Nagisa was shocked. Racks on racks of outfits, mirrors, makeup artists the whole 9. "Why do I have to change my outfit?" Nagisa asked "Those aren't fighting clothes" May said pulling stuff from the rack. "Plus you must at least look the part if your going on T.V" May said silently debating between two outfits. "This is televised!" Nagisa said loudly. "Yeah the whole tournament is" May said questioning Nagisa's knowledge of the fight. In a few minutes Nagisa was transformed into a fighter. At least physically. She didn't feel ready to be thrown into this fight.

    She was lead into this tunnel where she was told to stand in a platform. "This will lift you up into the arena" May said. "But what do I do?" Nagisa asked. "Just try your best. Good Luck." May said pressing the up button. "Well that's reassuring" Nagisa said as she was lifted up to the field. The loud cheers drowned her fear in anxiety. "All these people just, watching my destruction" Nagisa said looking around. Deep down she knew something bad was about to happen. The feeling never left. 

    "Now officially the battle will begin"The  announcer said as both participants were lifted up into the arena. "This doesn't feel real, me just a human about to fight an experienced magic user" Nagisa thought to herself. "Just think of your training" She thought peacefully. "What training! It's mediocre  at best it won't prepare me for a battle!" She thought again. "The human" James said as he noticed his opponent. "WHAT!" Iris screamed at the sight of Nagisa in the arena. "Our competitors stats are very different and it's clear who has the advantage" The announcer said. "What is Nagisa doing in there!" Kimberly screamed. "I don't know but i'm gonna find out" Iris said running out of the stadium.

    "START!" He said.  Right away James fists filled up with glowing light. He rapidly shot the light at Nagisa. Barely dodging the attack Nagisa fell down due to the rapid movement. Taking the advantage James ran toward Nagisa as she was down. He grunted as he jumped toward her to attack. "MURUM!" Nagisa screamed as a wall appeared blocking James and knocking him back. That bought Nagisa some time to breathe, but it wasn't enough. "THUNDER KICK!" He screamed as he kicked her in the stomach.

    The girls darted into the room with Shisuma in it. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!" Iris screamed. "THAT'S MY VEST FRIEND OUT THERE!" She yelled once more. "I know" Shisuma said looking out the large window. "I don't think you do" Sakura said walking over. "Nagisa can't fight" Sakura said. "Yeah, humans also take the actual damage because they don't have a magic aura to protect them" Kimberly said joining them. Everyone soon followed. "Did that just-" Nagisa thought before she was punched in the face. A loud bell was heard  enticing everyone to look at the field. James team mates had spawned on the field. "Oh my god" Nagisa said worried.

    "WHAT!" Amber screamed. "How do we spawn in!" Sakura said. "You can enter trough here" Shisuma said pointing to a button. "My life is officially over" Nagisa said closing her eyes as the guys ran toward her. "Your kind's not welcome here" One of them said as he jumped toward her. Nagisa's eyes were closed tightly anticipating impact. "ICE SHIELD!" Iris screamed as she was protected by the shield. He was knocked back as the other girls spawned. "Nagisa!" Sakura said crouching to Nagisa. "Everything hurts" Nagisa said with tears streaming down her face accompanied by blood. "No!" Sakura said cupping Nagisa's head to her chest. "It's up to US!" Amber said cracking her knuckles.

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