Chapter 17

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New Years Eve Party - Gene's dads house

Gene was a girl that I shouldn't call her. She is that name because she invited Ben. I don't know what she was on when she decided that.

Nick was a boy that I shouldn't call him because he actually drove Ben to Gene's dads house. For some reason, Nick was on something that made him like Ben.

Chris was a boy that I shouldn't call him because he was already dragging Ben along to wherever I went. Chris was on some unknown drug too.

Lasharee, I knew what she was on. She was on fantasy. It was a drug that came from her imagination. It was a drug that made her think that Ben and I would make the third best couple in the world, after Nick and Alex, and Chris and Sage.

Sage and Alex, they were bonkers. They were exactly like Lasharee, on fantasy. They were really up in the sky. So up in the sky that they pushed me into many situations with Ben. Many of which, Ben won, if you know what I mean.

Brianna was on something good, but I didn't know what she was on. Whatever it was made her hate Ben. I normally saw her with her scissors open, chasing Ben. This even happened at school, and no one tried to stop her.

The Sams, they were just crazy.

Ben, he was something I couldn't call him, too. He was on this bet winning drug. He knew how to get me in situations. He had his little agents of evil, like Alex and Sage. He was devious.

And me, I was just special. I realized that I liked Ben and it was hard to suppress my feeling. I could just die, metaphorically.

The only people not on something was Ashley and Carl. They just didn't care. When I came to them to be on my side, they laughed in my face. I could expect that from Ashley, but Carl? Sweet and innocent Carl was mean on the inside.

I sat on the loveseat in Mr. Midori's living room. I had a TV remote in one hand and a Piña Colada smoothie in my other. I was sad. Sad because everyone was 'on' something and I couldn't stand it. At least I didn't have to worry about anyone bothering me. Everyone was either in the backyard or in the basement. If I wasn't sad, I'd be happily alone.

I flicked through the channels until I should Disney Channel. Good Luck Charlie was on. I gladly watched and sipped on my Piña Colada.

About two hours later, around eleven, Ben hopped onto the loveseat.

"You're missing out on the party." Ben said.

"No I'm not, I was getting nice Disney Channel time before you came."

"Oh come on, just because everyone likes the thought of us being together -much to your dismay- doesn't mean that you should be a lone wolf. Seriously, don't be mopey." Silence. "Please? You don't want me to be sad too, do you?"

"It'd be great if you left me alone."

"I'm staying here with you."

"Ben, please. Leave me alone."


"Because I think I hate you." Was it possible to like and hate someone at the same time? That was exactly how I felt.



"Well this'll make you not hate me." That was when Ben climbed on my lap -he was pretty light- and kissed me. It was a good thing that I finished my Piña Colada, because I dropped the plastic cup that it was in.

I liked when Ben kissed me. He was a good kisser. I just had to try to not kiss him back, but as always, that didn't last long. We ended up laying out on the cramped loveseat. Every time this happened, I liked Ben even more. I was easy, but at least I never gave him the goods.

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