Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I walked up to the table where the rest of my friends were sitting. I sat down between Chris and Lasharee.

"Come on Nikki, if you stop acting mopey then everything will be fine," Chris said. I just sighed and started staring at him. 'Wow, his eyes, his lips, the way his hair glistens just a tad when light reflects, how nice he's so sweet, so caring...' It when on like that for the entire lunch. My first 9th grade lunch and I was thinking about my best friend, the one who stuck a toad in my ear when we were seven. The one who spent every Friday at my house with me watching all the new episodes of our favorite shows and STILL trying to see how many stars there were in my backyard.

'I can't believe I'm falling for my best friend!' I thought as lunch ended.

"Ashley! Wait up!" I loudly whispered.

"Everyone can hear you Nik. Just talk, see you next class," Chris said, while lightly jabbing me in me shoulder and walked away. I quickly ran up to Ashley and grabbed her arm.

"Ashley I need to tell you something!" I whispered.

"What!" Ashley whispered.

"I like Chris!"

"What? Yes!"

"Huh?" I asked, this surprised me.

"We've all been waiting since you guys became friends! And now since you like him, you guys can be a couple, now," delighted Ashley said-I smiled at that- "Yes and you know he likes you back. I'm gonna tell him," she started walking away.

I reached out and yelled, "No!"

"If I tell him... And believes me... He'll ask you out."

"Oh, then go ahead! Hurry up!"

"Okay, okay." She called out to Chris waiting by the entrance of the cafeteria. I quickly hid behind the cafeteria door and listened.

"Chris I need to tell you something!" told Ashley.

"What?" Chris asked.

"Nikki actually likes you!"

"What? Yes! Really?" This surprised Chris.

"Yup." Ashley replied. I casually walked towards them.

"Hey Chris, come on we gotta go to class," I said, while wrapping around his neck and walking away from Ash' waved and smiled, "I'm sorry for how I've been acting today."

"No it's fine," he then put his arm around my waist. We kept walking like that down the hall. I stopped right at the science lab door.

"You can go in, I forgot my notebook in my locker."

"Okay," Chris said and went inside. I started walking down the hall and to my locker. 04-30-12. Then some guy walked up to me, all I knew was that he was a Junior and hot.

"Hey," he said in deep voice, leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Hi," I was still looking for the notebook.

"My name is Jake."


"Hot, just like you."


"You're hot and your name is too."

"Uh, thanks,"

"Ya know, I wanna get to know you," Jake said putting a scrap of paper in my locker, "talk to you later." Then he pushed my hair behind my ears, and was gone. I quickly unravelled the paper and there was his number. Then a girl walked up to me after I found my notebook and calmed down from Jake's number.

"You are so lucky. Make sure you call him," she said.

"What?" I asked 'who the bleep is this chick?'

"Jake, never likes 9th graders and doesn't really date people and he's super hot and athletic. So don't let him get away." Then she walked away. I realized that I was going to be late so I ran to class. After got inside I saw Jake waving at me, but there was Chris waiting, so sat down next to Chris. He started talking to me but I barely listened, just stared wondering about if what was going on would become a "love triangle".

"Nikki? Are you even listening?" Chris asked. Before I could say anything the teacher, Ms. Lane, came in. I could tell I would like this teacher.

Of course my favorite subject -science- went horribly nice. Ms. Lane just showed us what supplies needed to labeled. Then we were able to whatever as long as we weren't loud. I was actually able to talk to Jake and Chris, without Chris knowing I was talking to Jake. I'm glad that the rest of my classes went like this, but some without Jake and Chris. School ended.

As Chris and I walked out of school, Ashley stopped us and gave us a look. I could tell by her look that she was saying "Did he ask you? Did you ask her?" We both shook our heads and looked at each other, like each other was crazy. Ashley glared at Chris for a few seconds, then said, "Have a nice day!" and back into school, for a student council call out meeting.

"Are you gonna walk me home, or not?" I asked Chris. He just stood there and stared at the school. I walked in front and waved my hands in his face. He still stood there, but stared at me. It felt like he was burning holes in me.

"Chris!" I yelled, while slapping him. It felt nice slapping him.

"Wha!" Chris was quite surprised from the slap.

"Come on, idiot," I sighed walking away.

"Nikki, I'm sorry," Chris said, while walking next to me.

"What were you looking at?" I asked, a few minutes later. I looked at him with my special look. It was an annoyed, yet dissappointed.

"I was... confused." It sounded like he wasn't for sure about what to say.

"About whaat?" I asked, in the cutest little voice.

"Us. And stop acting bipolar." I took no offense to his second sentence.

"What about us?" I am awesome at acting clueless.

"Um." Chris didn't know what to say?

"Chris, if you think that whatever it is, is going to affect our friendship; our relationship, in a negative way, don't say it," I said. It was probably the longest sentence I'd ever said.

"I don't know if you'll take it negatively or positively."

"Go ahead, say it." We were walking torwards my front steps.

"Can we, um, you know, go out on a date?" I unlocked my door.

"See ya later!" I said while I closed my door. Chris had a very surprised face. I wondeer this would be an act of leaving him wanting more. No one was at home. "Freedom!"

"Freedom from what?" Somebody behind me said. No idea who it was. I turned my head around to see Jake. "You have freedom to do a little something." he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"How'd you get in here?" I asked, "Why are you here? And how do you know my address?"

"I don't want to sound weird, but I stalked you and you buddy," Jake laughed folding his arms, "I wanted to talk. And you left the door unlocked."

"You wanted to talk about what?" I crossed my arms.

"About this," he said pointing between us.

"You're an idiot," I said.

"I'm an idiot, to want to be with you?"

"Um, yeah," I whispered. He walked up closer to me. And closer. And closer. Until his lips were on mine. I didn't try to move away from him, it was my first kiss.

"How about now?" Jake asked. I had my eyes still closed. I guess he took that as a 'no' and started kissing me again. It was great, until my mind went blank. Until, I lost my V-Card to him.

"I'm the idiot," I said, while Jake was leaving.

"No you're not, I had a good time," Jake said.

"Thanks for the encouragement?"

"Talk to you later, Nikki," Jake said while walking out.


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