Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Nikki's POV:

The last thing I remembered was me hoping that I would go to Heaven and not the other place. I guessed that I had crashed and Nick was stupid and forgot and let me almost kill myself. Way to go Nick!

I woke up while I was in surgery. I looked towards my arm, which they were working on. I noticed that they surgeons were doings stuff on both sides. I must've crashed really bad to somehow stab myself through my wrist. Ahhh, sad face. I lost my favorite beauty mark. It favored a monkey head, I named it Bobby. I'm never taking illegal drugs again, if I want to keep Liza, my head shaped beauty mark on my neck.

I didn't realize that I was in pain until I felt a tear roll down my face. I surgeon noticed that my eyes were open and put some sort of gas mask on my face. 'I'm caught,' I thought. I slowly faded out. I was kind of sad, too. I thought it was cool, seeing people work on me.

When I re-awoke I was surrounded by worried faces. My family and friends that lived closest to me were there, and Lawrence. I swear there were over fifteen people in the room. Wasn't there a rule about that? I thought it was two at a time! Whatever, though, at least I knew people that cared about me.

"How are you feeling?" a familiar voice asked. I looked up to see Felicia staring at me on my right side.

"Felicia!" I shrieked. I jumped a little which caused the machines around me to rattle. Then I tried to pull her into a hug with both of my arms. That didn't work. So then I decided to just hug her with my good ol' right arm. When I looked over her shoulder, I saw Chris peeking into the room, smiling. When he saw me smiling at him, he frowned. It was the frown of defeat, a frown saying, 'I'm caught', the frown I gave that surgeon when she gas masked me. He quickly ducked his head outside of the room.

"Chris, you can come in," I called out, I think I had a devilish smile on my face, because when Chris walked in and glanced at me, the glance turned into frightened stare. I ignored it, facing Fe again.

"I'm fine, Fe," I said calmly, as I grabbed her hand, "Your back?"

"Maybe, it depends," she replied. She looked from me to a certain direction. Lawrence's direction. That hippo was going to pay.

A few moments later, my doctor said that a psychologist would be coming in soon. A lot of people left, except for Mom, Lawrence, Fe, and Nick.

"Good morning," the woman said, greeting us while she sat on a chair on my beside. "My name is Mary Tuts, but just call me Mary. I'm going to ask you a series of questions, Nikki. If you feel tired or don't want to answer some, just let me know." I nodded my head.

"Why did you take the drug?"

"I just wanted to try it."

"Where'd you get it from?"

"Someone at school."

"Who at your school?"

I shook my head.

"So, why do you cut yourself?"

"To let my anger and frustration out."

"Why do you feel this way?"

"It's because people do things to me that I don't like."

"What sort of things?" There was worry in her voice.

"Touch me." I looked around. Lawrence was angry. "Sometimes, hit me or grab me." I showed her my arm.

"I thought you said that you did that to yourself." Nick said.

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