Chapter 21 Part 2

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I woke up pretty surprised that Saturday. It wasn't because I woke up next to Brett, but because it was eight thirty. With it being eight thirty in the morning, it meant that I didn't tell my mom where I was. She didn't know where two of her kids were.

"Wake up! I need get home!" I yelled as I pushed Brett around.

"What time is it?" Brett yawned.

"Eight thirty-two in the morning," I growled.

"And? You told your mom you were over here, right?" Brett asked. He finally started to get off of his bed.

"No, it didn't come to mind," I answered as I started to put my shirt on.

"Wait. This might be the last time that I see you without your shirt off. Since, your mom is going to murder you once you enter her house."

"Thanks so much for the encouragement that I might live another day," I said sarcastically.

"Do you want to ride your bike back or do you my dad to give you a ride home?"

"Your dad would give me a ride home?"

"I'm sure he would, considering the fact that he's nice to ninety-nine point three percent of women." I followed Brett out if his room down to the kitchen. I think his dad basically lived in there.

Mr. Sterling had a cup of coffee in one hand and a piece of bacon in the other.

"Hey Nikki, Brett, want some breakfast?" Mr. Sterling smiled.

"Sorry, Mr. Sterling, but could you give me a ride home?"

"Sure thing, Nikki, give me a minute to finish this up."

"And could my bike fit in your truck?"

"It's already in there." Me and Brett were taken aback. "I wasn't going to let you ride your bike back to your place. Brett was already stupid enough to let you ride over at night."

"Oh, well thanks very much then."


"Thanks for the ride again and everything else," I said as I put my bike into the shed. Like the nice man he was, Mr. Sterling even got my bike out of his truck for me.

"Your welcome. You have my number now, so you can call or text me if you need anything." I nodded and smiled to that statement.

I waved him off when I unlocked the front door. When I walked inside, there was an instant smell of breakfast. Homemade oatmeal, bacon, toast, sausage, pancakes, hash browns. I even smelled veggie omelets.

I followed the smell into the kitchen to see what all of the food was for.

Maybe it was the last meal I would ever eat. I would walk into the kitchen and my mom would happily great me. She would put a big plate of food in front of me with a cup of orange juice to go with it. I would eat all of the food and it would be the best I ever tasted. Then once I said 'thanks,' my mom would come and chop off one of my hands with a butcher knife. She would yell at me about being a bad daughter. Afterwards, she would chop off my other hand and tell at me about not telling her where I was. Then she would say that the food tasted good because she put poison in it. I would die with no hands and my face on an empty plate. Later, my mom would chop me up and ration me off into her soups and feed them to Nick when he came back.



Thanks guys for this journey. It's said that Nikki had to die, but she came so close in the beginning that she just had to die.

Of course everyone else moves one from Nikki's permanent disappearance.

Well, that's it.

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