Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Wakey wakey." Was what I woke up to, plus a bucket of cold water.

"What the flip?!" I yelled. The water made me feel like I was getting freezer-burn on my face. I looked up to see Nick smiling at me with an empty bucket in his hands. He had on jogging pants and a tank top.

"Put those clothes on over there," he pointed to my desk chair, "We are going on a jog." I noticed that underwear and a padded sports bar were over there.

"You seriously went through my underwear drawer?" I asked. I sighed when I looked at the clock that said 4:50 am.

"I didn't want to see any of your stuff jiggling around in a regular one," he said ever so simply. "Hurry up." he said walking out of the door. I put on the clothes on, which included my Aéro capri jogging pants, a black camisole, a pair of black ankle socks, and my old pair of white K-Swiss.

"Can I eat something?" I asked as I walked into the living room. Nick was sitting on the edge of the couch.

"The best time to burn fat is in the morning before you eat anything," Nick answered, hopping off of the couch.

"So you're saying we need to burn some fat?" I asked. "I think we look fit."

"'I' look fit," Nick said, putting so much emphasis in 'I'. "'You' on the other hand is starting to a bit jiggly on your midsection.

"Whatever," I said walking back to my room. Nick just as quickly grabbed my arm.

"We're going on a jog," he said, while pulling me outside. "And when we get to school I'm beating Jake's a**. I know what happened last night."

"You do?" I asked In a low voice.

"Yeah, I do." Nick said, his voice was low too. "You don't even know him, why would you do it?"

"I don't know, it... it just happened, I didn't mean for it to happen." My voice started to crack. My eyes and nose started to burn. "Just please promise me that you won't tell Chris."

"I won't, it would hurt him," Nick promised. "Come on, we're late."

"For what?" I asked.

"Chris. He's waiting for us to go on the jog. He said that me and him just need some exercise. And you need a workout." Nick must've wanted to break the mood, by saying that.

We walked out of the house locking the door. We started walking torwards Chris' house. One block towards school, one block to the left. When we got to Chris' he was sitting on his front steps.

"Good morning." Chris said happily.

"I'll go with you," I said. I just told him that I'd go on the date with him. Chris smiled very broadly. I didn't know why I had just said that, especially after what I did with Jake. I mean, I didn't even understand why I did what I did with Jake, when I decided that I liked Chris.


"Come on, jogging time!" Nick yelled. Nick started jogging with me and Chris behind him.


The jog was over after about one hour and fifteen minutes, no breaks at all. We went around almost all of the city. My legs burned and my throat was completely dry. I almost died out there.

Twenty minutes after we started I was a bit tired. That was when Nick would start yelling: "You can do it, Nikki!", "I thought you could hold on longer!".

Then every now and then random people would come out of their house yelling: "Shut Up!" and Chris would apologize saying: "Excuse him please ma'am/sir."

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