Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Sometimes I have to be grateful for Ashley's oversized hot tub. I don't think that anyone would want to have to be in a regular sized hot tub with eight other people in it. There was Sage, Alex, Nick, Chris, Lasharee, Ashley, Roy, Jake (no one was happy about that, but I think that Jake is cool) and I, no where near stuffed in a hot tub. It was weird having Alex and Sage there, but cool at the same time. Sage constantly teased and made fun of Chris-- which caused me to enjoy myself very much, other than the soothing pounding of the water jets on my body.

I loved these water jets. I loved coming over to Ashley's over the summer to get into this amazing hot tub. I also missed this hot tub over half of the summer when I was basically under house arrest. Darn Mom and taking my revenge too seriously. I mean, she and Chris' hair could grow out the hair dye, and it wasn't like it was all of their hair was dyed. They needed to get with flow and dye some hair, like how I had some jet black hair in the back of my head and Lasharee had a couple of pink streaks.

"Why are you frowning Nik, I thought you would like being in hot tub?" Lasharee asked, "Is it because its the last day, before Ashley's parents close it for the fall?" I didn't even realize I was frowning.

"Oh, I was just thinking," I replied, "You know I love this hot tub too much to frown in it."

"What we're you thinking about?" Lasharee asked. I think I would sound stupid if I said I was frowning because my mom and Chris don't take revenge well.

"I was just kind of mad at myself," I answered. I guess I was still mad at myself about what happened.

"Mad at yourself about what?" Jake asked. Everyone else's conversations stopped, when Jake talked. Possibly, because he was enjoying himself very well in the hot tub. He stated that it was his first time in one.

"Um, well, for me going into a coma," I answered. So many questions. But, maybe Jake was asking why I was mad at myself, because, maybe, he thought I was mad at myself for loosing my V-Card to him.

"You couldn't of stopped that from happening," Ashley said. There were some agreements to that.

"I could've, if I gave the guy my purse," I stated. "I would've been able to enjoy three weeks with you guys and still had that shirt, if I have that guy my purse, but I didn't. I punched him in the gut and got shot." It was true, the guy said he wouldn't shoot me if I gave him my purse. I guess I liked the purse and the things inside to listen. At least he dropped it when he saw Chris come from behind that tree.

"You didn't miss anything Nikki, and at least you still have the purse," Chris said. I believed what Chris said, but couldn't look at anyone. I just looked around the backyard of Ashley's house. I looked until my eyes fell upon a tall figure walking into the backyard. I saw the blondish hair and instantly knew it was Billy.

"Yeah, whateves. Thanks for your support guys," I said pulling myself out of the hot tub. My skin was instantly cold, and my body urged me to get back in, but I didn't.

I do believe I must have some brain trauma. I mean who acts like they care about something one second, then blow it off like it was nothing? Me, that's who. Am I so forgetful that I forget to actually confront Nick about letting me crash, or my mom about how she was handling what happened with Lawrence, or even Chris who seemed still a little sad from my being in a coma a week and a half ago? I think that's a yes too.

When I finally got out of the hot tub, Billy was already there.

"Hey guys, I'm just going to steal Nikki for five minutes," Billy announced with a wave. He headed off to the gate of Ashley's backyard.

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