Chapter 14

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Imagine the setting: sitting around a campfire with some of your closest friends laughing and roasting marshmallows. The campfire light is illuminating everyone's face and the darkness around you all. You all are right between a large cabin, a forest, and a small lake with a dock. This is the ultimate campfire experience.

That was exactly what I was thinking. However, during my thoughts, someone was having a debate about the best swimmers.

"Nikki is the best swimmer of the girls!" A girl said. It was true, my female friends couldn't swim faster than a quarter of a mile per hour, if their life depended on it.

"Ben can swim faster than Nikki!" The boy said.

"Then prove it!"

"Fine then, Ben and Nikki will swim to the middle of the lake and back!" The boy said. "Who ever gets back wins."

"I'm not swimming," I said.

"That just means that you think that you'll lose," Ben told me. I narrowed me eyebrows at him.

"I don't like you at all," I told Ben. "I'll swim." I told them. Ben and I went to the shoreline and stripped down to our underclothes.

"I didn't know that we were going skinny dipping Nikki," Ben smiled. "I like it." I glared at Ben. I put a toe into the water, it was freezing.

"Thanks Nikki, for doing this. Sam will learn that girls rule in swimming," Sam 1 said, thanking me. I wish I had listened to who the voices that talked about swimming had belonged to. If I realized that they belonged to the Sams, I wouldn't be getting into the freezing cold water.

"Ready... Set... Go!" Ben and I jumped into the water and swam. (What else would we do in the water?)

"Man.... This water.... Is.... Cold!" Ben exclaimed, when he came up for air. Laughter went off in my head. Ben and I turned around when we got to the middle of the lake. Ben started to speed up then. That was his mistake. Swimming is running, but in the water. If you sprint to early, you're going slow down close to the finish. When Ben did exactly that --slow down-- I sped up and beat him to the finish.

Sam 1 pulled me into a tight hug. "What now, suckas!!?" We screamed in unison, laughing. Ben pouted, nature didn't let him burn it and I beat him in one of the three things he liked to do -- sing, swim, and be inappropriate. I heard laughter from the group behind us. They were laughing at the Sams, Ben and I. I ignored them and walking into the cabin to change out of my wet clothes. I braided my hair into a French braid, so that my hair would dry faster.

I heard giggling as I neared the girls rooms. The door was cracked open. I peeked through the door. Chris and Sage were in there. Sage's leg were wrapped around Chris. They were making out.

"Never expected this to happen, did you?" A voice whispered behind me. Before I could shriek, a skinny hand covered my mouth. I was turned around to see Ashley. I narrowed my eyebrows at her, for scaring me. She winked at me.

She burst open the door and gasped. Chris dropped Sage right onto her butt. They both had big eyes as they looked at Ashley. Then they both looked farther behind her to see me, with slightly burning cheeks.

"I am so sorry for interrupting!" Ashley yelled. Acting, must've enjoyed acting or embarrassing people to do this. "Nikki was just coming in for clothes to change in and I had to change my socks."

Chris pulled Sage up after recovering from his shock, whispering apologies. Ashley pushed me inside so that I could grab a change of clothes. The two kissers left the out of the room, while I got my clothes. I put on some pajamas and changed out of my underwear. Ashley was outside of the room deviously laughing. Who knew she could be so emotionally sadistic, or was I just being over dramatic?

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