Chapter 5 - Stolen

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Tiffany's plane landed in LAX and her sister and mom were waiting for her. After getting her luggage, she spotted them at the passenger pickup area.
"Hey!" Tiffany waved to her mom to get her attention.
"Tiffany, hi. How was you flight?" Her mom asked.
"It was good. Sorry it was delayed a bit. I'm so glad I'm back though," she said while hugging her mom. She then walked over to her sister.
"Tiffany you're here!" Her sister ran over to her and gave her a huge hug.
"Wow Tiffani, you really missed me," Tiffany said hugging her back.
"She was talking all about you while we were driving here," her mom said. They all went to the car. Their mom was ahead of them so the two girls talked.
"Sis," Tiffani asked.
"Yeah," Tiffany responded.
"Can you please tell me about your plan with the Merrell Twins," Tiffani begged.
"Ok, but this is only between the two of us, ok?" Tiffani nodded. "Ok so you know their dog?"
"Yeah, Tiger is so cute," Tiffani replied.
"Well I'm planning on kidnapping him, or dognapping, whatever you want to call it," Tiffany explained.
"But why?"
"Well, you see, when I used to be friends with them in high school I started to have a special connection with Tiger."
"What do you mean by special connection?"
"It's like I could sense his thoughts or something."
"Thoughts? You mean you could read his mind!" Tiffani exclaimed.
"Shh! Some might hear you, but yeah, I could read his mind."
"What are you gonna do when you take him?"
"Well I think I could have my friend, Tyler, who's a scientist do an experiment on him."
"Sounds cool. Good luck with that."

At the Merrell's House

"Mom, me and Nessa are going to Collins house to film a collab," Roni told her mom while getting ready to head out the door.
"Ok, where's Nessa?"
"She's already in the car," Roni unlocked the door. They exchanged their goodbyes and Roni walked to the car.
"I wonder what challenge Collins has for us to do today," Nessa asked while Roni started the car.
"Probably something messy like all the other challenges we filmed," Roni responded. They arrive at Collins house.
"Hey guys, come in," Collins welcomed them.
"Hey, do you mind telling us what challenge we're doing today?" Nessa asked.
"Oh, you'll find out," Collins showed them a table full of different foods. They filmed their video and after they were all covered in food. Nessa and Roni took showers in the guest bathroom and changed into different clothes. After they were all done, they sat in the living room and talked for a while. Nessa then got a phone call from her mom.
"Hi mom," she said.
"Uh, Vanessa, are you guys done filming your video?" Her mom asked.
"Yeah, we finished a few minutes ago. Do you need anything?"
"Come home right now, there's something wrong," her mom said almost breaking into tears.
"What happened?" She asked worried.
"Tiger - Tiger, he's missing," her mom said.
"What! How did this happen?" Nessa began to cry.
"Well, your dad and I went to the store to buy groceries and when we came back Tiger was no where to be seen."
"Ok, were coming home as soon as possible mom," Nessa hung up the phone.
"Nessa what's wrong?" Roni asked.
"We have to go now, Tigers missing," Nessa said while getting all her stuff. Roni nodded and said goodbye to Collins. They went to the car and tears fell down their faces the whole way back home.

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