Chapter 8 - Crash

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The twins were still looking for Tiger when their dad thought of an idea.
"Let me check the security camera," he told the girls.
"Of course! Why didn't we think about that earlier," Roni said excited. Their dad went to the computer and checked. It took a few tries, but they found the kidnapper. All three of them saw a familiar face.
"I knew it! It was Tiffany all along," Nessa said.
"What are we going to do now?" Roni asked.
"We are going to track her down!" Nessa exclaimed confidently.
"Or we can call the cops," their dad said.
"That's sounds like a better plan than Nessa's. We'll go with that," Roni added. Their dad went to the kitchen to grab his phone. He came back and dialed in the phone number. After a few minutes, he hung up the phone and the twins were anxious to hear what happened.
"What did they say?" Roni and Nessa asked in unison.
"They are coming over for an investigation," their dad replied.

It was dark out side and their mom arrived at home. Their dad explained everything. She was glad that everything will be sorted out.

It was Monday morning and Roni and Nessa had school. Their college was far away, so it was a long car ride. They were on the high way when Nessa notice a car speeding. The car was behind them and looked like it was about to crash into them. Nessa decided to change lanes, but was too late. Before she knew it, the cars collided.
The crash caused the two cars to move to the side. Luckily, the twins were wearing their seat belts. But the collision was so bad, the twins were not left untouched. Roni's head hit the door window, causing her head to start bleeding from the glass. Nessa was left unconscious. Roni was dizzy, but knew what happened. She touched her head and felt pain all around her body. She looked to her left to see Nessa unconscious. She started to cry.
"Nessa, please wake up," she said while trying to wake her up. She started to panic. She opened the door and discovered their car was in a field of grass. She looked at the car that crashed into them. There, she saw a man hurrying to get out of the car. She looked at the man. He looked familiar. But how? She rushed to talk to the man, but he got out of the car and ran away. He was too fast to catch up to. She finally remembered. He was the guy who followed them home that one night. She quickly walked to the car to get Nessa out. A car driving by pulled over to help the girls. He saw they were both hurt and called 911. An ambulance came and picked them up.
At the hospital, Roni was sitting in a chair with a bandage around her head and Nessa was laying in the bed in the emergency room. Soon, a doctor came to checkup the girls.
"Hello, are you Veronica Merrell?" The doctor asked.
"Yes, twin sister of Vanessa Merrell," Roni answered.
"I'm Dr. Danica," she said while they shook hands.
"So, how's Nessa?" She asked while they let go.
"She's doing well actually. We plan that she will wake up in a few hours."
"That's amazing!" Roni said relieved.
"As for you, Veronica. After your test, we found out that you are perfectly fine. We just need to do some stitching on your head," the doctor explained.
"Ok, thank you," she said and the doctor walked away. Roni sat back down and looked at her twin sister. She was grateful they both survived. Their parents eventually came. They brought some food for Roni. While eating, she thought about the person that crashed into them. She knew that face from somewhere. She finished up her food and said that she will just get some fresh air. When she got outside, she got in the car and drove to see someone. It was time for revenge.

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