23: Store

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Grayson's P.O.V. 

A little bit after Loreen came and talked with me, I decided to go do to the store to get snacks. I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs. I got to the front door and walked out. I was almost to my car when Ethan came out the front door. He had his keys in his hand. 

"You going to the store?" I ask him.

"Uh," he looks at me. He still looks upset. Maybe it takes time. "Yeah," he says.

"Get in, then. So am I," I tell him opening the driver's door and getting in, closing the door behind me.

"How long are you going to take?" he asks through my rolled down window.

"Like 20 minutes, maybe. I am just grabbing some snacks," I tell him.

"Okay," he says, going around the vehicle and getting in the passenger seat. 

Ethan's P.O.V. 

I didn't want to be at the store that long. I had to hurry up and grab the tampons for Loreen so she isn't waiting forever. It was nice of Gray to offer a ride so I wouldn't have to waste gas. It was a gesture. I need to start forgiving him. 

"So I know that at the time it seemed like the right thing to do and I get that you are sorry. I just want to say that if you ever pull that trick again then I will personally punch you in the balls," I tell Grayson. He looks at me. 

"Deal," he says.

"There was no negotiating. If you do it again I will hurt you. That is said and you know. You are forgiven, Grayson. Just please don't do that again. Love you, man," I tell him. 

"So what are you getting at the store?" Gray asks me. 

"Uh-- Nothing. Just some things for Loreen," I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

We arrive at the store and I go in the pads and tampons aisle. I grab the right kind of tampons Loreen told me to get and I put them in my cart. I go to the candy aisle, next. I grab 4 King Size Hersey's Special Dark chocolate bars because she told me before that was her favorite kind of chocolate. I grab a couple of different sweets too and head to the front to check out. 

I meet Grayson on the way there and he looks at me. 

"I thought I had a twin brother, not a twin sister. How long have you kept this from me? Is that why you have been bitchy lately?" he burst out in laughter. I decide not to say that the reason I have been bitchy is because of him saying he loved my girl and I just laugh with him. He goes to a different check out lane.

I check out and the grocery clerk happens to be a lady.

"You got a girlfriend?" she asks me.

"Yeah," I say.

"Well, let me tell you that you are a very smart man," she says, smiling. 

"Uh-thanks?" I say, chuckling.

"$15.63," she says. 

I hand her a twenty and she gives me my change back. I grab my two bags and thank her again. 

I head out to the vehicle and Grayson is already in with the car running. On the way back home, we make small jokes. I am glad that I have my brother back. We stop by McDonalds and I order a Quarter pounder meal with no onions and extra pickles and fries for Loreen. I get the same except for no pickles or onions.

 We get home and I go upstairs. I give her the box of tampons and wait for her to come out. I set her meal down on the small nightstand next to her bed. She comes out and plops on her bed. 

"Got you food, babe," I tell her. She sits up and grabs the food. 

Loreen's P.O.V. 

I grab the large drink and take a huge gulp. I am hungry, but my stomach really hurts from the cramps. My cramps are usually really really bad. My dad never cared and left me alone when I was on my period. 

I grab my fries and eat a couple. I grab the box with the burger in it and take a bite. He knows I love pickles.

"You got extra pickles!" I said happily. I eat all of my burger and start eating my fries again. Ethan is done now and he just watches me. I continue to eat my fries, making direct eye contact with him. Who will break first?

He starts laughing and looks away. 

"I won. Ha," I say.

"And I lost. Damn. You always do win," he says. I throw the empty fry box and burger box on my nightstand and take another huge gulp of Coke. My stomach still hurts and my lower back does too. I lay back and just breath. 

He comes up next to me. "You okay?" he asks. I shake my head no.

He puts his hand on my lower belly and rubs. He starts to massage my stomach and it feels good. It feels good and kind of turns me on.

"Why do I have to be on my period? Ugh, it so god damn unfair. I really just want to fuck you right now," I say. He laughs. He gets up and goes over to a bag. He pulls out my favorite kind of chocolate and brings it over. I rip it open and eat half of it before saying thank you. 

"That didn't make my desire for you go away, though," I say to him. He smiles down at me. He leans in and kisses my bottom lip. I kiss him back. "This doesn't make it easier to not fuck you, you know," I say. 

"I know," he kisses me again and slowly pushes me back into my pillows. He kisses my cheek, moving down to my neck. He lingers there for a little while. He starts to move down to my boob when my phone goes off. He jumps back; he got scared. I laugh and grab my phone. It is a text from Emily. 

Emily: You better back off of Ethan. He doesn't really love you, you know. He is just using you for sex. That is what he does with all of his playthings. He plays with them, fucks them, then throws them away. If you don't back off, there will be consequences. See you at school tomorrow. XOXO

My hand is shaking. I know she is lying. I know that Ethan loves me. I know why she is threatening me. She wants him to herself, but she isn't going to get him. He is mine. She wants to play dirty, I can play dirty. Yes, I will see you at school tomorrow Emily and you'll see me. Just wait. 

*Quick lil note*

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