Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

Eddie felt so bad that Aleks was abused. He hated Aleks' father. Aleks didnt deserve that. He deserved someone that would love, and care for him, like Eddie did. He deserved someone who would protect him, like Eddie would...

Eddie had had feelings for Aleks since their freshman year of high school. Now they were juniors, and he still didnt have the guts to tell him he was gay. Eddie felt ashamed that he hadn't said anything sooner.

Eddie walked home from school, and went straight to his room. He really didnt want to deal with his mother currently. He texted Aleks.


"Hey. What's up?" Aleks asked

"Nothing. you?"

"Avoiding my father..." He was always avoiding his abusive father.

"You want to go hang out?"

"Sure..." He said.

They decided they would hang out at his place, and play some COD or something. This was the perfect time to tell him. Eddie turned bright red at the thought. He just didnt know how Aleks would react.

Aleks arrived, and he tried to act normal. He set up his computer, and his laptop, and they began to play. Eventually it got awkwardly quiet...

"Aleks?" Eddie started.


"I... I..." Eddie tried.

"What?" Aleks was giving him his undivided attention.

"I... I was wondering if you were hungry. Want me to make some popcorn?" Eddie folded. He just couldnt do it.

"Sure?" Aleks gave him a weird look.

Eddie walked out of the room, and stopped around the corner.'What on earth were you thinking? Why cant you just tell him the truth?' He asked himself, angrily. He made a bowl of pop corn, and returned to continue playing COD in silence.


Eddie had been acting weird lately. He had been staring at Aleks a lot recently. Aleks didnt know what to think. Aleks had always thought Eddie was nice, and would make a good boyfriend, for some girl, but Aleks knew Eddie didnt like him like that. Aleks didnt really know how he felt about Eddie.

Aleks had never really thought about anyone like that. As he shot another player down, He thought about his sexuality. Girls had never interested him, in that way. He really hadn't thought about anyone that way. But looking at Eddie, was Aleks willing to go gay, for his best friend?

He was killed, by Eddie, and they both joked about it for a bit. Aleks smiled at how wonderful Eddies laugh was. 'Aleks, what are you doing? Why are you thinking of your best friend like that? Are you gay?' He asked himself, looking away.

So what? So what if he was Gay? Who would care? Certainly not his father, or anyone at school. No one really cared about h ok m, except for Eddie... But Eddie was straight. So there really wasnt a point in even thinking of him that way...

But Aleks couldnt help himself. He just kept finding himself being distracted by Eddie. This wasnt good. He had to go, before these feelings manifested into something he couldnt control.

"Um... I have to go..."

"Aww, Why?" Eddie sounded worried.

"I just... I need to go do some homework."

"Oh..." Eddie looked sad.

"Im sorry... I just really need to go... We can Han out tomorrow?"

"Aleks... I really need to tell you something..."

"What is it, Eddie?"

"I... I..." He looked away.

"What is it? You can tell me, you know."

"I just want you to know... Im... Im here for you." He looked so sad.

"Oh... Thanks, Eddie."

"Yeah... I will see you tomorrow."

Aleks went home, contemplating exactly what happened. Did Eddie like him too? No, he was straight. There is no way he would like Aleks. Who would like him? Aleks wasnt special. He was just some poor abused kid, who wasnt even sure of his sexuality.

Eddie really had no reason to like him like that. Nor did Aleks have any reason to believe Eddie was Gay. So why did he keep dwelling on that? Was there some reason to believe that? Was there some reason to believe Eddie was Gay? What did Aleks think, if Aleks was gay? Did he Like Eddie? All these terrible questions flew around in his head, and he had to stop, and relax. He needed to think rationally.

~HEY! What do you guys think? I had a lot of questions there, sorry about that. But I hope the chapter was good. Please give me positive reviews. I hope people keep reading!

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