Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

What an odd, and completely random question. Why did he suddenly want to tell Eddie who Aleks liked? Eddie shrugged at his friend.

"Sure, I guess."

"Eddie..." Aleks turned red.

"Dont be embarrased. I dont judge." He grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

"Its... Its you." He got very quiet.

Eddie was speechless. Aleks had liked him all this time, and Eddie hadn't had the courage to just ask? Eddie stared in shock at his friend. The monitor reading Aleks heart rate picked up.

"Im sorry..." Aleks looked away, sheepishly.

"Aleks..." Eddie grabbed Aleks arm.

" I shouldn't have told-" Suddenly, Eddie cut Aleks off, kissing him.

Eddie kissed Aleks with a tenderness, that shocked both boys. It took Aleks a moment to respond, and then he just melted into Eddies arms. He gave in to the kiss, and even kissed back.

"Aleks. I have wanted to ask you out for a long time." Eddie spoke quietly.

"Eddie..." Aleks just sighed, and settled into Eddies embrace.

Eddie talked with Aleks for a while. Apparently, someone had called, when Aleks woke up, because a police officer walked in. Both boys stared for a second.

"Aleks?" The cop asked, smiling.

"Yes?" Aleks grabbed Eddies hand.

"We would like to ask you some questions about what happened.

"Oh... Can Eddie stay?" Aleks asked quietly.

"Sure..." The cop came in, and sat down.

"So, Your father did this?"

"Yes sir." Aleks nodded.

"Has he done this before?"

"Yes sir..."


"Um... Since I was 10... My mom died."

"I see... Im sorry." The cop had a pittied look on his face.

"Its fine..."

"Did your father ever leave bruises?"

"Well..." Aleks pulled at the collar of the gown, to reveal a big, purple bruise, about the size of his fathers fist.

"I see... When was that bruise from?"

"The most recent... The most recent attack." Aleks squeezed Eddies hand. Eddie tried to comfort him.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"I woke up, and my dad had been drinking... He was mad for some reason, and he came at me... He hit me... and then, while I was on the ground, he started kicking me. He hadn't taken his boots off."

"okay..." The cop had been writing all of this down. He flipped the page.

"When we heard the crack... My dad pulled away. He laughed..." Tears started to come to Aleks eyes.

"Im sorry... We can finish this later-"

"No. I need to say this now." Aleks wiped his eyes.

"Alright." The officer repositioned himself.

"I layed there for a while... Then I went to school." Aleks sighed.

"Okay. And then what?"

"I was in the hallway, when I felt it... I couldnt breathe..." Aleks shuttered, and tears fell freely from his face.

"Is that everything?" The cop closed his notebook.

"Yes." He slumped in the hospital bed.

The cop left, leaving Aleks in tears, and his sobs made his chest hurt. He tried to calm himself down. He was angry that he hadn't told someone sooner. Eddie hugged Aleks, trying to help him calm down.

"Aleks its over now. Your father cant hurt you any more." Eddie soothed him.

"Why did I... Why did I protect him?"

"You still love your father... The good part of him anyway."

"He could have killed me."

"Shhh... Thats all over now. You are safe with me."


Aleks sat in Eddies arms for a while, just letting Eddie comfort him. Eddie cooed and rubbed circles on Aleks back. His chest hurt, and He didn't want to think about all the crap that he had to deal with. He just wanted to let Eddie hold him, and forget about his father, and forget about Kevin...

"Aleks... Everything is okay. Im here." Eddie tried to comfort him.

"My chest hurts..." Aleks complained.

"Do you want me to get a nurse?" He asked, pulling away, to look at him.

"No. They will drug me, and I will fall asleep."

"Alright... What can I do?"

"Just... Just hold me." Aleks leaned heavilly on Eddie.

"Alright." Eddie rocked Aleks gently in his arms.

Eddie was so nice to Aleks, and that confused him. Eddie had no reason to love him. Aleks was a broken wreck. He would only cause Eddie more pain. Right now Aleks was being selfish. He shouldnt have told him. He just needed the comfort.

"Aleks?" Eddie seemed concerned.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You weren't responding. Are you okay?"

"Sorry... Im fine."

"Alright... Are you hungry?"

"Starving." Aleks pulled away, and smiled.

"I will go get some food in the cafeteria."

"Okay..." Eddie walked out, and left Aleks to his thoughts.

Aleks didnt know what would happen next. He would probably go into the system. He was afraid that the state would take him away from Eddie. He couldnt live without him... Although, maybe it was for the better, so Aleks didnt hurt Eddie in the end.

Aleks just wanted to make Eddie happy. He hated seeing his friend... Now lover, worried. He enjoyed Eddie's smile, and his warm hugs. Eddie's laugh, and his sense of humor. Aleks just wanted Eddie to be happy in the end...

~Hey guys! Im so glad that you guys enjoyed the story so far, and have been so supportive in me writing it! Thank you so much! Dont forget to vote, and I really appreciate the comments. Love you all!!!


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