Chapter 17:

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~You know, I just felt like I should post early. I mean, I have 3.1k reads on my book now, and Im slightly mind blown... Well, hope you enjoy. Dont forget to COMMENT and vote. ♡♥♡♥

Chapter 17:

     Aleks snuck in to Eddie's room, just before dinner. He walked in, while Eddie was putting his clothes away, not looking at the door. He seemed rather distracted. Aleks walked behind him and wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist. Eddie jumped at the unexpected touch, but almost instantly relaxed.

"Aleks..." Aleks could hear the smile in his voice.

"Hey... You seemed kind of quiet tonight..." Aleks smiled, as Eddie turned around.

"I was just kind of moping. My mom and I got into this huge fight, before I left."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Aleks frowned. He suddenly felt a bit guilty.

"No. Its done and over with... But at least Im here with you." Eddie smiled, and hugged Aleks.

     Aleks frowned. Eddie had seemed rather distant. Even now, in this hug, he felt miles away. Aleks sighed, and pulled away. He wanted Eddie to get closer. He sighed, and walked away, sitting on the bed.

"Hey, whats the matter?" Eddie spoke softly, sitting down next to Aleks and wrapping his arms around Aleks.

"You are to distant." Aleks sighed.

"Awww, come on. I've just been a bit distracted."

"Show me." Aleks frowned. He wanted to feel that closeness again.

"Okay." Was all Eddie said. He turned to face Aleks, and kissed him.

     This kiss was gentle, but the passion, and the emotion could be felt through this little kiss. No movement, no noises. Just their lips, against eachother.

     Eddie pulled away. He looked at aleks expectantly. Aleks suddenly felt sad. An odd reaction, after a kiss. He hugged Eddie, and let out a shuttering sigh.

"Hey, whats the matter?" Eddie asked, looking confused.

"I just... I dont know. I have missed you a lot." Aleks whined.

"Im here now... Thats all that matters... Im here for you now." Eddie spoke slowly, rubbing Aleks back, to comfort him.

"Oh Eddie..." Why was Aleks so pouty suddenly? Aleks for some reason, felt really upset.

"Shh. Im here." Eddie comforted. He knew just how to calm Aleks down.

     James knocked on the door. Aleks pulled away, and wiped his eyes. James opened the door, and peaked his head in.

"Supper is ready. Whenever you want to come eat, you can..." James saw they were having a moment.

"We will be right there." Aleks sniffled.


     James walked back to his kitchen, which had been recently renovated. He had all the newest appliances. He smiled at the thought. He remembered when his family would use litte cans of Sterno to cook their meals, which usually consisted of expired foods. How his life had turned around. His dad and mom were millionaires, basically living in hotels, in foreign countries... Their family was rich... All because of a little coffee shop.

     Eddie and Aleks walked in, pulling James from his nostalgia. He smiled, as they both grabbed plates, and dished up hearty helpings. Eddie seemed to be very distracted, and suddenly very protective of Aleks... Had James done something wrong?

"Thanks James. You are a great cook." Aleks smiled, shoveling another fork full, into his mouth.

"I appreciate the compliment." James smiled.

     After supper, Eddie asked to speak with James privately. Agreeing, he met with Eddie, in Eddies room. James paused awkwardly, knowing how hostile Eddie was towards him...

"Aleks was crying..." Eddie started slowly.

"Is he alright?" James remembered Aleks wiping his eyes.

"As far as I know... Did something happen during the week?" Eddie frowned.

"No. He has generally been pretty happy. The only time he looked sad, was this morning, when he finished unpacking..."

"So... Nothing happened? Because if you are lying-" Eddie was cut off.

"I swear on my life, nothing happened."

"Alright... He is mine... Just to make that clear." Eddie seemed so defensive...

"I know. Aleks told me... Plus, I dont swing that way." James lied.

     James was gay and he knew it. He just never felt comfortable enough to admit that... to anyone... Aleks was attractive, but he knew it would never happen...

~Hey creatures... So, I said I have been sick... Well, it wasnt that I was ill. I have been having major anxiety attacks. Its getting to the point, where it is interupting my daily life... I am trying to keep going, but my mind is struggling... I am barely functioning some days... So... yeah. Thats all I have to say... I really need the votes, and Why have you all, all of the sudden, been so shy to comment?! I really like hearing feedback...


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