Melix 1: A new little Bro.

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                Felix and Marzia rode in a taxi. “Hurry please sir.” Felix says to the driver. “Felix, it’s ok, it takes hours for these things.”  Marzia says putting her hand on Felix’s. “I know, I just want to get there, I’m excited.” He says. They were on the way to the hospital to deliver their first child. They had only been married a few months before they decided they wanted a bigger family than Maya and Edgar. “I will try my best,” the driver says glancing back at Marzia.

'               They arrived at the Hospital and got a room relatively quickly. “I wish my mother could’ve came,” Marzia says, now hooked up to all kinds of machines. “Me too, but she said she was coming in a few weeks.” Felix says. “So, we’re having a baby, what do you want to do?” Marzia asks. “YouTube videos?” Felix asks. He just wanted to use the internet there at the hospital, it was so much better than what they had back at their flat. She nodded and Felix hooked the computer into the T.V.

                Hours later things weren’t as calm as when they had first arrived. Marzia was lying in bed, groaning with pain. “I hate you.” She says coldly. “Why?” Felix asks surprised at his wife’s sudden hostility. “Because you did this to me.” She says pointing at her stomach. The nurse arrived in the room. “Marzia Kjellberg, you are ready to move to a delivery room.” Marzia’s earlier hostility turns to a smile of relief. They put the guards up on her bed and unlock the wheels on her monitors. Soon there are nurses everywhere. Felix runs beside the bed holding Marzia’s hand as they push her towards a room. “I love you.” He says. “I love you, too, but I will love you a whole lot more once I’m done with this.” She says. They push her through a set of double doors and Felix runs close behind. “I’m right here Marzia!” he calls.

                An hour later Felix is beside his wife again, wincing at the pain in his hand from her strong grip. “One more push!” The masked doctor says from the other end of the bed. She groans loud and scrunches up her face tears welling in her eyes. She opens her eyes again as the doctor holds up a beautiful, but messy, baby boy. “It’s a boy!” He calls. Marzia smiles. “You did it!” Felix says kissing her head ignoring the sweat. “He’s so beautiful.” She says. The nurses return moments later setting the little thing on mariza’s chest. “He looks like you.” She says. “He’s got your cute nose though,” Felix says. Though you can never really tell, it’s just nice to say that. 

YouTubers With Kids (Kalanthony, Melian, Phan, Marhinki, Shisa, Melix)Where stories live. Discover now