Phan 5: I'm Not Going Anywhere.

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                Sabrina walked in the door and threw her penny board in the living room. “Sabrina, put it in your room please.” Dan says not even looking up from his computer. “Sorry dad.”  She says picking up her board and taking down the hall. “Your father will be back in a few minutes he went out to get take out.” Dan says. “Is everything ok dad?” She asks. Dan looks up. “Oh yeah, don’t worry sweetheart.” He says smiling. “Ok,” Sabrina says putting her headphones in.

                Phil walks in a few minutes later, hands full of Chinese food. “Dinner!” He calls. Sabrina and Dan meet him and pick out a carton. The three sit in the living room eating in silence, other than the TV playing reruns of Dr. Who. Phil looks at Dan and Dan looks at Phil. “Sabrina, honey we want to tell you something.” Dan says. Sabrina nods, she knew something was up. Adopting? What did I do now?  “We were thinking, since it would be easier, with our professions, that it might be easier if we moved to America.” Phil says. Sabrina drops her fork. “You can’t be serious.” She says. “We are, we actually found a nice place in LA.” Dan says. “I’m not going.” She says bluntly. “Yes you are, sweetheart, this isn’t a choice.” Phil says. “I’m fourteen, don’t I at least get some say in this!” she was standing now. “We understand, what you’re going through, we’ve left girlfriends, and boyfriends behind.” Dan says. “No you don’t, you’ll never understand.” She says running down the hall towards her room tears streaming down her face. “Sab-“ Phil says. “Let her go.” Dan says.

                Sabrina sat crying and listening to music a good part of the night until she got a call from Greg. She mustered up the courage to answer finally. “Hello?” she asks. “You’ve been crying what’s wrong?” He says. Every time, he knows. “Nothing,” She says. “Sabrina, don’t make me use your full name.” He says. “Fine, but you’re not going to like it.” She says finally. “My dad’s want me to move to America.” She says. “Oh, you’re not going to believe this.”  Greg says on the other line.

                Sabrina emerges later and hugs Dan and Phil. “Felix and Marzia called us, we know.” They say. “I’m so sorry, I over reacted.” She says. “It’s ok, we were just afraid of losing you.” Phil says kissing her head. “Don’t worry; I’m not going anywhere.” 

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