Twenty Three

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Our Future?

Christmas came and went, and before Lapis and Peridot knew it, New Year's passed too. They celebrated together with Pumpkin, and school had started back up.

It was now the last week of January, a Saturday. Lapis and Peridot were cuddled on the couch with Pumpkin next to them.

They were watching Netflix. Lapis had fallen asleep five episodes in. Peridot sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

'We're graduating this year... what's gonna happen to you and Lapis during college? Is Lapis going to the same college?' She thought. The blonde girl looked at her sleeping girlfriend.

She didn't want to be apart from Lapis for that long. She wondered what Lapis was going to college for. She herself was going for engineering/robotics.

Peridot stood, heading to the kitchen. She made herself some coffee and sat at the table. God, she hadn't even thought about any of this yet.

"Peridot?" Lapis called in a sleepy voice. The pale girl took a drink of her coffee. "In here." She replied.

Peridot listened as Lapis walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing in here?" The bluenette asked. Peridot shrugged, setting her coffee down.

"I'm just thinking." She replied. Lapis pulled out the chair next to her, sitting. "Thinking about what?" The tan girl questioned.

"College." Peridot replied. "Oh. Why are you thinking about college? Are you okay?" Lapis asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. What college are you going to?" Peridot asked.

Lapis shrugged. "I've been thinking about EC University, it's the closest college but it's also very nice." She replied.

Peridot sighed in relief, smiling. "That's where I'm going." The blonde girl said. Lapis smiled back, "Well then EC University it is."

"I was just worried, I thought we'd go to different colleges and it'd be hell." Peridot chuckled. Lapis giggled, pulling herself into Peridot's lap. "Nope. Can't get rid of me that easily." The blue haired girl laughed.


Lapis had been making Ramen Noodles for lunch when there was a knock at the door. Peridot answered it. "Oh, hello Mrs. Lazuli." The blonde girl smiled.

Peridot opened the door for Lapis' mother. "Lapis, your mom is here." The pale girl called. "One minute, I gotta finish making these noodles!" Came Lapis' reply.

Soon enough, Lapis walked into the living room. "Hello, Lapis." Her mother said. "Hi, mom." Lapis replied.

"I came here to tell you something." The tan woman said. "Okay." Lapis said, giving Peridot a worried look.

"A friend of your father's is a professor at Surf City University. He can get you in after you graduate this year, but he needs your consent now. Surf City University is the highest college in the state." Her mother explained.

Lapis looked at Peridot, who looked like she had just seen a ghost. "Funny you bring this up, actually. Peridot and I were just discussing college earlier." Lapis said.

"Oh, really? Are you going to Surf City University, too, Peridot?" Lapis' mother asked. "I'm going to EC University." Peridot replied.

"And... I am too." Lapis said. "What?" Her mother asked, a look of disbelief on her face. "Surf City is so far away, mom. Empire City isn't too far. Plus, I don't want to be separated from Peridot." The bluenette replied.

"Lapis, listen to yourself! You've been offered to get into the highest college in the state and you don't even care! Most kids would die for this opportunity! You're going." Her mother argued.

"No, I'm not. I'm going to EC University with Peridot." Lapis frowned.

"Lapis, enough! I'm not going to argue with you; you're going to Surf City University and that's final. You'll get the best marine biology education there, think about it." Her mom said.

"Mom, I don't care! I'll get a good education at EC University, too. I need to start making my own decisions!" Lapis exclaimed, folding her hands.

Her mother watched her, eyes narrowed. Her blue eyes looked Lapis up and down. Then she saw the ring.

"Oh my god!" Her mother exclaimed. "What?" Lapis frowned. "She already proposed to you?! And you didn't even tell me?!" The tan woman practically shouted.

"No!" Lapis snapped. Her mother glared at Peridot. "It was a Christmas present, calm down, mom!" Lapis exclaimed.

"You're too young for this." Her mother muttered. "What now?" Lapis frowned. She was getting fed up.

"You're both too young for this! You're too young to live together, too young to act like you're adults and have a dog and buy groceries! That's why you won't go to Surf City University, Lapis, because you feel the need to live with Peridot. I should've said no to this. Nobody lives with their partner in high school." Her mother said, frowning at Lapis.

"Mom, what the hell?! You-"


"You said that Peridot was good for me! What's gonna happen when I'm hours away from her and something happens?! Another God damn overdose?!" Lapis shouted, standing up.

"Oh, what do you care? It's not like you'll check up on me after I get home from the hospital!" The bluenette snapped.

"I'm trying to help you! And every single time I try to help you, you shove me away! It's just like what happened with therapy!" Her mom yelled.

Lapis turned red in the face. "It's nothing like that! I didn't want therapy because it was stupid! And you always had to go and put your two sense in! I don't need your help anymore, I'm not a little girl! Don't you understand that?!"

Lapis' mother opened her mouth to speak, but words didn't come out. "I went to your therapy sessions because I didn't want my daughter to try and kill herself again. I put my 'two sense' in because I was scared. You don't care about anyone but yourself! If anyone tries to help you they can forget it, because apparently Lapis Lazuli, the jobless, homeless, depressed, 'grown up' has it all figured out!" She shouted.

Lapis could feel tears welling in her eyes. "This is my home." She hissed.

"No, it's not. You don't even pay bills, Peridot does! You're just free loading off her! I didn't raise you that way! I-"

"Would you please get off my back about every little god damn thing I do! Nice to know my mother can only come and visit when she wants to control my life and bitch at me!" Lapis yelled.

She turned away before her mother could say anything, grabbing Peridot by the wrist and storming off to the bedroom.

Lapis' mother stormed out the door, slamming it behind her. Her car left in a whurry of vrrooooooooooom!

Inside, Lapis had collapsed into Peridot's arms. She was crying.

"I'm not gonna sit here and cry over her." The bluenette sniffled, wiping her tears.

"Lapis, why don't you just go to Surf City University? It'll make things better between you and your mother." Peridot said.

"No. I'm not going there. She needs to realize it's time to stop making decisions for me! I'm going to EC University with you." Lapis said.

She pulled away from Peridot, her hands resting on the blonde girl's shoulders.

"Damn it." The bluenette muttered.

"What?" Peridot asked.

"The noodles are cold."

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