Twenty Four

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One Hell Of A Grudge And A Whole Lotta Love

It had been a few weeks since the fight with Lapis' mother. Lapis acted as if nothing happened, and she was just carrying on with normal life. But Peridot knew better; there was no way Lapis just brushed the fight off.

And trust her, she'd know better than anyone. Lapis could hold one hell of a grudge.

It was Saturday again. Lapis was seated on the couch in the living room, Peridot next to her. The blonde girl looked down at the bluenette, who was cuddled against her.

"Hey." Peridot said. Lapis' blue eyes looked up at her. "Hey." She smiled.

"You look upset. Is something bothering you?" Peridot asked. Lapis shook her head, "No."

Peridot raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" The pale girl asked. "Mhm." Lapis nodded.

Peridot sighed, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. After what happened with your mother, there's no way you could just shrug it off."

Lapis stayed quiet for a moment, pursing her lips. She looked away from Peridot, "It doesn't matter. It's done and over with."

Peridot placed Lapis' hand in her own. "Come on, Lapis, tell me." She said. The bluenette groaned, eyes on the floor.

"She's always trying to make decisions for me, like I'm a little kid. She thinks she knows everything about me and everything that's good for me. I'm not a little kid anymore, I don't know when she'll understand that!" Lapis replied, raising her voice.

"It's just because she's trying to help you, Lapis. It's what moms do. She won't stop doing it until she's gone because she loves you." Peridot told her, voice flat.

"That's no excuse. I'm independent and she knows it, I've always been that way. She's not doing it to help me, she's doing it because it's what she wants. I'm sick of it." Lapis responded.

Peridot sighed, resting her head on Lapis'. "She'll come around." The blonde girl said reassuringly.

"No she won't, not until I go to Surf City University, which isn't happening. From now on I'm making my own life decisions." Lapis declared.

Peridot said nothing, she knew it was better not to. She could only silently hope that this whole thing would blow over soon and stop bothering Lapis.


Valentine's Day

It was now Valentine's Day. Peridot was out, buying gifts for Lapis. She was going to take her on a date, but Lapis insisted on staying home. She wouldn't tell Peridot why.

Peridot was going to her last stop; the jewelry store. She was going to pick up the locket she ordered for Lapis a few weeks ago.

When she arrived at the jewelry store, she recognized only one person. Lars.

"Hey, Peridot." He said as she approached the register next to him. "Hello, Lars." Peridot replied, waiting for somebody to help her.

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