Chapter 1 - Plans for the Future

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So... you thought I was finished, didn't you?
Did you really think that anyone can get rid of me that easily?
You especially should know me better than that.
I will never disappear from this accursed world!
Soon, I will rise from the darkness you have once casted me into!
I will achieve powers far greater than anyone's imagination!
I will come back stronger than ever before!
And the very first being who shall suffer the full extent of my wrath...
will... be... you... 

"GASP!"  Hindel awakes abruptly from his latest nap inside his cavern home.  The blind, golden dragon breathes rapidly at his latest dream as beads of sweat seep between the shiny scales of his brow.  As he recovers from his nightmare, he reflects back to what he just saw.  It was nothing but darkness in there, not a real surprise for someone who is blind.  But this was different because in many of his dreams and visions, he can see them as clear as day.  No, in this dreamy darkness, Hindel heard a familiar, frightening voice in the void of his dreams.  But as the voice got louder, Hindel saw something else.  Something more terrifying than the darkness itself.  Two orbs made of blue fire glowing intensely within that dark void.  The same fiery eyes that have haunted Hindel for over 500 years.

"Hindel?  Hindel!"  Someone else is calling out to the restless dragon from the entrance of his cave.  Another familiar voice this time, but this one is a complete contrast compared to the one in Hindel's nightmare; one that is kind and gentle.  Hindel's eyes may not be able to see, but in his mind's eye, he can see who it is: a tall Pegasus with turquoise eyes, a mane and tail sharing a cerulean blue color with a golden yellow streak on each side, and a light bluish coat.  And most distinguishably, he doesn't have a Cutie Mark on his vacant flank.  Surely, it could be none other than Ford Mustang, the once-human outsider now a full-fledged pony, coming in for Hindel's weekly visits.

"Sorry about that, Hindel." Ford apologizes humbly.  "I hope I didn't disturb you again."

"No need to apologize, Ford." Hindel responds after stretching his long, aching neck.  "I was wide awake before you even got here.  So, what did you bring for me this time?"

"Just a wide variety of jewels that were leftovers from some of Rarity's previous projects." The Pegasus answers as he unloads his twin saddlebags of various, tiny jewel shards.  "Hope you don't mind them."  Grabbing the bags, Hindel drops the shards into his other claw, and he scarfs them down with glee.

"Mmm...  My compliments to the seamstress." says Hindel after he finishes his snack.  "Her taste in jewelry is just as exquisite as mine own.  By the way, have you been practicing those breathing exercises I've taught you?"

"Of course I have!" Ford responds.  "I'm not sure why exactly, but these workouts have done wonders for me!  I feel stronger and faster than ever before!  Although, it does take awhile of getting used to it."

"Oh, really?  How so?" asks Hindel while he licks the remaining shards on his claw.

"Well..." Ford replies hesitantly with a light blush. "...there was that one time I applebucked a tree so hard, that I clearly knocked it right out of its roots!  It was an accident,"
One week ago in the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres...

"WHO THE BUCK KNOCKED DOWN ONE OF OUR APPLE TREES LIKE THAT?!" Applejack hollered in outrage after seeing her once-mighty tree pulled out of the earth and laying down on the ground.

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