Chapter 5 - Bedtime Stories

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Chapter 5 – Bedtime Stories
In the evening, Rainbow Dash had another birthday dinner, which was orchestrated by her father, Turbo Dash, with some help from her coltfriend, Ford Mustang.  As night approaches in Cloudsdale, Rainbow and Ford are allowed to stay over for the night in her old room that's been turned into a guest room, which is surprisingly kind of Turbo for the younger Pegasi to share the same bed together.  Of course, the blue-haired stallion has his suspicion on the considerate gesture of Rainbow's dad.

"Now remember...!" Turbo lectures his daughter and her coltfriend as they get cozy in their temporary bed for the night.

"We know... no funny business, right?" Ford assumes with a smirk.

"What?  No!  I was going to say to keep it down in there!"  This catches Rainbow and Ford off-guard as their faces bear intense blushes by Turbo's statement.  "You two can have as much fun as you like so as long as this old colt gets his proper beauty sleep!" he winks to the embarrassing couple with a wide grin.

"Okay, dad!  Goodnight!" Rainbow shrugs it off with a smile as she tries to diminish her blush.

Turbo chuckles lightly and then gives Rainbow a quick goodnight kiss before saying, "Goodnight, Dashie!"

"Goodnight, Turbo!" says Ford.

"Goodnight, Ford!"

After saying their goodnights, Turbo exits the guest room before closing the door.  As the door is about to be shut, the grinning father quickly cracks it opened to say, "Don't forget to use protection!"

"Goodnight, dad!" she dismisses her dad with a growl while Ford snickers to himself.

Turbo closes the door once more, but just like before, he opens it suddenly to say just one more thing, "Of course, if you're already planning on having foals...!"

As Rainbow and Ford turn instantly red in the face by Turbo's remark, their reactions are bit different from each other's.  Ford couldn't help but laugh at Turbo's constant need to embarrass his daughter, while the aggravated mare on the other hand couldn't stand the suffering she has to endure anymore.

"DAD!" she cries out in a whining, angry voice as her grinning dad chuckles with glee by her predictable reaction.

"Okay!  Goodnight, you two!"  Turbo smiles with satisfaction before he finally closes the door and leaves a groaning Rainbow and a laughing Mustang alone in their comfy bed.

"You're right about one thing, Rainbow." says Ford after calming his laughter down.  "Your dad certainly is the coolest!"

"Yeah... he is." Rainbow Dash smiles to herself after having a brief chuckle.

Soon enough, Ford Mustang and Rainbow Dash get cozy with one and another and they prepare to sleep in their embrace once more for the rest of the evening.  But as they are about to sleep, Rainbow thinks of something that she wants to share with Ford first.

"You know, I never did tell you anything about my mother, Firefly, did I?" she speaks up, which gets Ford's attention right away before he nods off to sleep.

"I wouldn't mind hearing a little about her, if that's alright with you of course." he responds delicately.

"It's fine, Mustang.  I'll be happy to tell you about her." she reassures with a gentle smile.  "Like my father, mom was also an accomplished flyer as well, except instead of racing, she was a dancer.  Firefly was an amazing sky dancer, ranging from ballet to gymnastics.  She was one of the main reasons why I performed some ballet recitals when I was in school."

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