Chapter 2 - A Suprise visit

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A lot certainly has happened in nearly a year since Rainbow Dash has joined up with her dream team, the Wonderbolts.  Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle have finally got their respectable Cutie Marks.  Spitfire and Soarin decided to at last tie the knot, which Rainbow was lucky enough to attend their wedding as one of Spitfire's bridesmaids.  Ford Mustang, while maintaining the fort back at Rainbow's home, is not only doing well as one of Ponyville's weather ponies, but he's also managed to work on several art commissions for some of the town's residents.  Rainbow was very happy to hear him achieving some aspects of his dream job.

But the one that really took the cake this year was when last month, Fluttershy and Big Mac got married and settled down at Sweet Apple Acres!  Who would have thought the shiest couple around would be the one to take the initiative first!  After that, it got Rainbow Dash thinking about something.  When will it be the right time for Ford and herself to start settling down?  They don't get much of a chance to see each other everyday due to her schedule as a full-time Wonderbolt, but never the less, she always cherished each moment they've shared together.

However, that was not what was crossing her mind right now.  In one of Cloudsdale Cloudeseum's locker rooms, where the uniformed Wonderbolts are having their opening meeting on their last show for the tour, Rainbow is too distracted on another matter in mind.  One that matters the most to her considering that today is also her birthday.

"Okay, team!  Listen up!" Spitfire announces to her team.  "This is our last day for our tour at Cloudsdale, so don't even think about slacking off just yet!  That goes double for you, Soarin!"

"Ah, come on, honey!"  Her startled husband whines while receiving numerous snickers from his fellow teammates.

"So let's get ready out there..." the captain concludes.  "...and give them a show like never before!"  After hollering out some enthusiastic cheers for their upcoming performance, the team begins to leave the locker room as they ready themselves for their tour's last show.

Once they have all left, Spitfire is surprised to see only one pony remaining on one of the benches: Rainbow Dash.  And what's even more surprising is that Rainbow is very down-trotted for some reason.  Surely, something is very wrong here.

"Rainbow Dash, what's the matter?" Spitfire approaches her fellow teammate concernedly.  "You're usually the first one ready before anypony else."

"I... didn't get any mail today." Rainbow states very sadly.

"What are you talking about?" Spitfire puzzles for a bit.  "You received more fanmail than any--!  Oh!  You mean from your coltfriend, huh?"

"Ever since I've joined the Wonderbolts, Ford has always sent a letter to me for each day I'm away."  Rainbow says in discontent.  "He has never missed one day just like he promised.  He Pinkie Promised.  But now... today's my birthday.  It's been a month since I last saw him, and this is the first time I haven't received anything from him today.  I'm worried, Spitfire.  I really am."

"Rainbow, I understand your concern on this matter." Spitfire responds sweetly as she sits next to her distraught teammate.  "But I think there's nothing for you to worry about.  In my opinion, you're quite lucky to have such a devoted coltfriend like Ford Mustang.  Do you know what I would give to have that kind of commitment for my husband?  I love Soarin and everything, but Celestia bless him if he could just remember when it's his turn to take care of the dishes for me!"  Rainbow Dash starts to smile as she giggles upon hearing that from Spitfire.

"Tell you what?" Spitfire says with a grin as she wraps a friendly wing around Rainbow Dash.  "After the show, we're going to treat you to a night out on the town!"

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