Chapter 7 - Where it all Began

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"Are we there yet?" Rainbow whines childishly.

"Just give me a minute, Rainbow!" Ford responds sweetly as he keeps his head low to the ground while continuing with his search. "Ugh! Where is it?"

It's after 7 o'clock where Celestia's sun is nearly finished with its setting, and the two Pegasi are in the far outskirts of Ponyville where Ford Mustang planned to have their anniversary dinner in middle of the field of colorful wildflowers. Ford is carrying his double saddlebag, while the hovering Rainbow Dash offered to carry the picnic basket. As the stallion is relentlessly searching for that perfect spot, the impatient mare is grudgingly following along.

"Ford, it's fine! Just pick a spot already! I'm not as picky as somepony like Rarity you know!"

"I know it's around here somewhere..." Ford mutters to himself as he paid no attention to Rainbow's impatient groaning. Suddenly, his eyes widen as his search is finally over.

"Ah, I finally found it!" he declares triumphantly.

"Found what?" Rainbow asks in a mixture of relief and puzzlement.

"This!" he points it out to her.

After he steps aside to reveal his chosen location, Rainbow stares at that spot in front of her. What's different from the nearly endless field of flowers is that this clearing didn't have any flowers at all. It's just a large, oddly shaped patch of earth with a strangely vague impression on the ground.

"Huh, well you certainly found a nice clearing out here." Rainbow verifies casually as she puts the picnic basket next to the clearing.

"You don't remember this spot?" Ford inquires with a raised eyebrow as he places his packed saddlebags on the ground.

"Well... this area does seem familiar." she ponders for a bit more. "It reminds me of the time where we first--!" Just as she is about to finish that sentence, she finally gets the special meaning behind this clearing. "Wait... is this...?"

"Yep, this is the exact, same spot where we first met over a year ago!" he confirms as he taps on the patch of earth.

After hearing Ford mentioning that, memories of their time together flash before Rainbow's startled eyes. From recalling those first memories, she gradually starts to get emotional as a broad smile spreads across her face while her eyes surprisingly start to get watery from all of these warm, fuzzy feelings she's having right now.

"Darn it, Ford! Now you've got me all sappy once again!" she chuckles while immediately wiping her nearly tearful eyes.

"Sorry, I'll try to tone it down a bit next time." Ford chuckles along while sheepishly scratching the back of his head with a fore hoof.

In a quick grapple, Rainbow pulls a surprised Mustang in closely as she says to him with a sultry smirk, "Don't you even dare!" Following that, Ford leans in for a sweet, sensual kiss before gradually letting Rainbow go as he gently leads her to their special place.

"I remember it like it was yesterday." he reminisces with a soft smile. "I was lost and confused as I aimlessly roamed across this majestic field of wildflowers. Then, of a sudden, I was completely distracted by a mysterious, blue angel soaring freely in the open sky. I asked myself, 'Who is this beautiful creature that can make endless streams of rainbows with her incredible speed alone?'" This is enough to cause Rainbow Dash to softly blush with a smile. "And as I kept pondering about this, the gorgeous mare I was so captivated about suddenly came crashing into me. I was laying right here."

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